Chapter 47

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Tonight is Collision and I have a match against Cash Wheeler. And tonight we're going to set up my match for tomorrow, but I will let you find out who I'm facing for yourself.

I got my gear on, did some light makeup, curled my hair then got my title on, put my robe on, and grabbed my briefcase.

I took a deep breath and headed to the gorilla. Cash and I were the Comain and Jay vs Dax was the main event. Cash made his entrance first then I made mine.

The match went well, I beat him 16 minutes and 38 seconds, and I won with my finisher. Then the arena went black. Then the screen flickered I looked at the screen then it turned off suddenly, then the lights turned back on and the crowd was screaming.

I turned around and saw Ibushi he ran to me and gave me a knee to the face. After that he tried to give me his finisher but I moved and have him a German suplex. Then I rolled out of the ring and he stood up and just stared into my soul.

I love Kota Ibushi, so anytime I'm in the ring with him it's always so much fun. Ibushi grabbed a mic and said "ハーレー・トンプソン。私はここ数年あなたを見てきましたが、何年もあなたとレスリングをしていないのに、あなたは私よりも優れていると主張しています。それについては見ていきます。また明日ね。(Harley Thompson. I've been watching you for a few years now and you claim to be better than me even though I haven't wrestled you in years. We'll see about that. see you tomorrow.)" I grabbed a mic as well and said "You want a match tomorrow? You got it. また明日ね (See you tomorrow.)"

He smiled and nodded. I made my way to the back and was greeted by Jay. "Hey you looked great out there babe." He gave me a kiss.

"Thank you, I'm going watch your match then take a shower, but I need to sit down, I'm so tired from working my ass off, and these people in this fucking state don't even appreciate it. They were silent that whole match and its all cause their little bitch got fired." I said and sat down.

"Don't talk about Phil like that." Dax said. "Are you gonna fucking do something about it? Or are you going get arrested like your friend that I just beat?" I said. He got pissed and started walking towards me but Jay stepped in front of me and said "If you even try to lay a hand on her I will fucking cut it off."

Dax stepped back so I smiled and flipped him off, then Kota made it to the back and walked up to me right away and gave me a hug. "Your match was amazing, they should have been louder." Kota said in his best attempt at English. "Thank you, I agree." I said and grabbed my side, and it was hurting.

"Are you okay Harley, do you need water?" Jay asked. "Yes I'm about to pass ou-" I was about to finish my sentence when I passed out.

I heard people around me talking and Tony saying "Jay do your match, paramedics are on the way, I will have people go with we to the hospital." "FUCK." I heard Jay yell. "It's okay Jay, Kenny and I will go with her." Ibushi said.

"I will go too." I heard Toni. "Ok thank you guys, as soon as my match is over I will be there." Jay said as his music hit.

And from that point on everything was a blur.

*Later on that night*
I woke up in a hospital bed and looked around the room to see Jay, Kenny, Ibushi, Juice, and Toni Storm. "Hello my people." I said and Jay jumped up and to my side right away. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you dizzy?" He asked, "Im fine, I feel fine, and no I don't feel dizzy." I said.

"Im going to get a doctor." Toni said. Soon after that a doctor came in "So while you were asleep, we ran some tests you were dehydrated and overworked, your body is extremely exhausted, I would recommend taking some time off of work." The doctor said.

"Haha you are funny, I will drink more water and sleep more but I have a very important match tomorrow and I plan on doing that." I said. "Ok we'll after that match I would just take a week and a half off." He said, "okay, can I leave now?" I asked. "Yes you can." He smiled and handed Jay the paperwork.

I got dressed in clothes that Jay gave me and he took me back to the hotel, gave me a bunch of water, food and then put me to bed. "Goodnight baby I love you, do not wake up at 4 tomorrow sleep till 10 as it is 12 right now and you need rest." He said, "Okay sounds good, goodnight I love you." I said and fell asleep right away.

*The next day*
I ended up waking up at 10:30 so as soon as I got up Jay was shoving water down my throat.

We got to the arena around 11:30 and we started getting ready right away. I died my hair back to red and Black and this is the look I did for tonight

 I died my hair back to red and Black and this is the look I did for tonight

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I got my matching gear on and put my title around my waist. I put my robe on and grabbed my briefcase.

I made my way to Jay's locker room and knocked on the door. Austin opened it and when he saw me he screamed. "You look terrifying." He let me in. Jay turned around and smiled when he saw me.

"Are planning on murdering people tonight?" He asked. "You know I am." I gave him a kiss. "Well just please drink a lot of water before and after." He said. "Ok I will right now too." I said and grabbed the water that he was drinking from and drank it. "That was mine." He pouted. "It's mine now." I laughed and continued to drink it.

*Later that night*
My match is right before Jay's match. Kota made his entrance first and while he was doing that Jay was forcing more water down my throat. Once my music hit the lights turned on. They flicked then they turned red and I made my way down to the ring.

This is just a special singles match it's not for any title or my briefcase. I handed my stuff to the time keeper and waited for the bell to ring.

But once it did we just stood there. I took a few deep breaths and just stared at the man across from me. The crowd was silent. Completely fucking silent.

Not a sound of a pen dropping could be heard. I started circling the ring and Ibushi did the same.

He turned around and I instantly elbowed him in the back of the head as hard as I could.

I picked him up and he just started at me. That was a bad idea. Kota and I wrestled for close to 50 minutes before I elbowed him in the head 3 times, gave him the blade runner, the one winged angle and then my finisher and pinned him. The bell rung and the ref raised number hand. I made my way to the back and the crowd was booing me so I decided to grab a mic and said "Fuck you guys too, fuck CM Punk, Fuck Skye Blue, I will never wrestle in Chicago again, cause you fuckers can't appreciate good wrestling. Go fuck yourselves."

I threw the mic and made my way to the back.

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