Chapter 60

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*Febuary 18th*
Dan Moloney is hurt so he will have someone replacing him tonight.
"You nervous?" I asked will, "Nah, what about you?" He asked, "never, just curious to see who Dan picked as his replacement." I said and Will nodded.

"I heard that it was gonna be someone from AEW." He said and I raised my eyebrows. "Well we shall see." I smiled. "Who you hoping for?" He asked, "Anyone can step up to the plate I will run through that whole locker room." I said and he shook his head and laughed.

"Alright, well I'm next, see you later Will." I said and he nodded, I made my entrance then the venue went black.

My smile widened when Darby Allin's music hit. He made it down to the ring and right before the bell rung, we shook hands.

When the bell rung there was no time wasted, after all he was getting a shot at my title. The match was only 20 minutes then I beat him.

*February 23*
Tonight is new beginning in Sapporo, and I'm so excited because Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) is facing David Finlay for Finlays title.

Im not wrestling tonight but I am here to support my guys, and to watch Nic, I've been a fan of his since I first saw him.

"Hey Harls, have you met Nic yet?" TJ asked me, "No I haven't, I'm gonna go find him soon and introduce myself." I said, "here I will take you, him and I are good friends." He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.

We made it to Nic's locker room and TJ knocked on the door, Nic opened it and his eyes widened at the sight of TJ. "Hey man, it's good to see you, and you must be the magnificent Harley Thompson." He smiled.

"Yes, and it's wonderful to meet you, I've looked up to you since the beginning of my career." I held out my hand and he shook it, "Well thank you, yeah when I first saw you, I was amazed because not only are the best women's wrestler but you are the best wrestler in the world, in a men's promotion, and you can outlast everyone." He said, "Thank you, you don't know how much those words mean to me, good luck tonight, I will definitely be rooting for you because I hate Finlay." I said, "Well I won't disappoint you then, it was nice meeting you Harley, and TJ it was good seeing you again." He said.

We both said our goodbyes then walked back to the United empire locker room.

We watched all the matches then it was time for their match. I walked out with them and we waited for Chaos to make their entrance. The match started and went 10 minutes, after Okada and I got into it in the middle of the ring, he was treating Akira like shit and it pissed me off.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled in his face. Okada kinda laughed then said "ハールズ、私はただ遊んでいるだけです" "Well if you're gonna mess with someone, don't do it with him, he's just a Kid, he can hardly speak English and Japanese and he's trying, so don't fuck with him." I said again. "実際、私が去るので、これは本当に良さそうです、戦いを始めましょう" he said, I kinda smirked and started elbowing him.

He made me run the ropes, and I was able to move out of his drop kick, I gave him the sling blade and put my foot on his chest as I did the rainmaker pose then held up my titles.

*A few weeks later*

Tonight is Revolution, and It's Will's first match in AEW so I'm here to support him. But Jay is on the preshow so I'm in the gorilla with him, and Julia, Willow, Statlander, and Skye were in there because their match is after Jays.

"Hey ladies." I smiled as I walked over to them and gave each of them a hug including Skye. "Didn't you guys used to hate each other?" Willow asked Skye and I who had just hugged me back. "We got over that." I laughed, "yeah, after she beat me the last time, she shook my hand, and raised my arm, then after that we had a good conversation." Skye smiled, "Good, we can all finally go out together." Statlander said, "Let's do it after the show tonight, just us ladies, we'll invite, the other women in the locker room as well." Willow said, "Let's do it." Skye and I said at the same time, we all laughed then we heard Kyle's voice.

"Hey babe." He kissed Skye. "Harley?" He asked. "When did you get your visa fixed." We both asked at the same time. Skye laughed and then I said "A few days ago, what about you?" "Same, you here for Will tonight?" He asked, "Of course I am." I smiled, and he nodded.

"Babe, us girls are gonna go out tonight after the show." Skye told Kyle and he said "Ok, just be safe." He kissed her head.

"Harley." I heard TK's voice, "Yes?" I turned around, "Do happen to have any gear?" He asked, "I never go anywhere without my gear." I smiled, "Do you want to wrestle tonight? I already talked to Tana he's fine with it." He said "Of course I do, who am I facing?" I asked, "Well I was hoping you and Kyle can team and wrestle Nick Wayne and Killswitch, Kyle does that work?" Tony asked, "yeah let me get ready." He said and ran to his locker room.

"You can use my locker room." Skye said, "Thank you, you ladies break a leg out there, Same with you guys, Jay I love you." I ran gave him a kiss then ran to Skyes locker room and got ready.

I am wearing Green, silver, and black gear tonight, my hair and makeup was already done then I went to the gorilla where the boys just made their way to the ring.

"Ooo bitch you look good." Skye laughed, I did a turn and said "Thank you." "This hoe has 2 belts, and three of us don't." Stat laughed. "Oh don't be jealous just because Julia are the youngest champions right now." I laughed.

"Oh don't leave out the fact that you are the only woman to ever win a G1." Willow said, "girl you were the first NJPW strong women's champion, stat was the second ever TBS champion, ending one of the longest winning streaks, and Skye is a multiple time women's champion across the country, so don't give us no shit." I laughed.

"Do you just stalk everyone?" Julia asked, "Yes I do, just ask Jay." I smiled. "Hey ladies, Harls, I haven't seen you in forever." Nick put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Nick." I smiled. "Just so you know, I have gotten so much better than the last time we wrestled." I smiled, "I hope cause if not this is gonna be an easy squash match for Kyle and I." I teased him and he shoved me. "Nick instead of fighting with me, take some pictures of us." I handed him my phone.

All of us ladies posed and he took a few pictures of us.

"Looking good babe." I heard Jay's voice, I turned to him and smiled, I ran over to him and jumped in his arms, I wrapped my legs around him and gave him a kiss. "You looked good out there." I smiled as he kissed me again. "Thank you baby, I'm gonna go take a shower then watch your match." He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

I smiled and nodded, I jumped down and as I walked away he smacked my butt and winked at me, I smirked and shook my head. "He loves you, like true love you see in movies." Willow said "Yeah, the thing I've always loved about him is his thrill for danger, like he never puts me in danger but, I get excited just being around him, I guess it's like the feeling you would get when you're in your first relationship, and you're trying to sneak around, that's the best way to explain it." I smiled.

"That's good." Skye said "Yeah, I remember the night I met him, I was still a young lion, and it was his first night back from excursion." I started playing with my nails.

But you were mine first Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin