Chapter 58

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It's Saturday and I'm in my gear getting my hair and makeup done, for my makeup today we are just doing half my face as half a green and black scull. I'm back wearing my united empire gear.

We braided a few strands in my hair then tied all of my hair back into a high ponytail. My makeup artist and I were talking when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said and the door opened to reveal Jay. "Oh hey babe." I smiled, "Hey love." He kissed me on the side that didn't have face paint.

"You nervous for tonight?" He asked, "No, I can run through this entire locker room." I laughed. "I know, well you are the main event tonight, so you have time to prepare." He said, "yeah I have like an hour so I can stretch, eat and drink some water." I smiled and he nodded.

"Alright girlie good luck tonight." My hair and makeup artists left. I told them bye then was left with Jay.

"It's so weird that you are back with the United empire." He said, "Yeah I'm still getting used to it." I said. "So everyone is happy to have you back?" He asked, "yeah so far, I still don't know how Mark or Kyle feels, I think Mark will be happy because he has always wanted what's best for me but Kyle is so weird." I said and he nodded.

"You saw that Okada is leaving New Japan?" He asked, "I did and it broke my heart, two of my trainers are leaving me, all I have left is Tana and I don't even know how much time I have left with him." I said. "I know my love, I'm sorry." He said, "it's fine, but let's go I want to go find Toni." I got up, put my IWGP belt around my waist put my robe on then put my never open weight title on my shoulder and we left to go find Toni.

"Hey girlie." I said, she was talking to Mariah May. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time, how is everything going?" She gave me a hug, "It's been going good, I beat Sanada and I'm back in the United empire, how is juice doing?" I hugged her back. "Juice is doing good, recovering but still injured." She said, "Ahem." Mariah May said. "Oh sorry how rude of me, Harley this is Mariah May, Mariah this is Harley Thompson." Toni said.

"It's nice to meet you." I held my hand out, she took it and said "The pleasure is all mine." I nodded then excused myself as my match would be starting soon and I needed to eat, get some water and stretch.

I did all of that then by the time I was done, it was time for my match. I made my entrance first as I still didn't know my opponent.

I got in my corner and waited. Takeshita's music hit and I shook my head. He was fallowed by Don, Hobbs and Kyle.

I took my belts off and laid them in front of me while I stretched. Takeshita got in the ring and I stood back up and put both belts on my shoulders.

"Introducing first the challenger from Osaka Japan weighing in at 231 pounds Konosuke Takeshita." Justin said and Takeshita raised his arm. "And now she is the Never open weight champion and the IWGP World heavyweight champion, from Vancouver, Canada, weighing in at 200 pounds, she is the best in world, Harley Thompson." Justin said and I raised the United empire symbol. I handed my IWGP title to the ref and he raised it in the air then I handed him my other one and he handed them to the time keeper.

The bell rung and we were at it from the beginning. Takeshita has a lot more fat on him than I do, majority of my weight is muscle.

20 minutes into the match I was on the outside and he went to dive onto me but I moved out of the way and he hit the ground hard. I walked around the ring and Hobbs tried to stop me but I DDT'd him on top of his head and rolled back into the ring and sat on the second rope and waited for Takeshita to get back in the ring. He got back in at the 8 count and I continued my attack, the match went another 8 minutes and I gave him Wills finisher to beat him. The ref raised my hand and I left the ring and walked over to Kyle.

"Have you thought about what I said?" I asked "Yeah but I don't have an answer yet." He said, "well hurry up and get one." I said and walked away.

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