Shadowangel [Zee]

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Book: Shadowangel
Author: midnightdancexx
Reviewer: Nobody247GHOST
Number of chapters read: 5

Chapter One - Just Prisoners of this Life: 9/10
I honestly love this chapter. The prologue opened the book perfectly, keeping your audience hooked while the first chapter battled the relatability of grief and abuse, which is sadly so common in today's society.
Your paragraphs are amazing, very well planned and thought-out. I believe there were no spelling errors. Your characters are very easy to relate to through the pain and suffering that they are feeling. The personalities of your characters are so very well planned out and orchestrated. I love the names of your characters; they force your readers to be more interested and question the minor details. I love the dialogue; it's not too informal that it can't be taken seriously but it's not so formal that nobody understands what is being said. My only complaint would be the descriptions, I just feel they were lacking in detail, they are very intriguing, but I don't feel that you are getting the vision you want your readers to see. This is easy to fix, by going into more detail or finding synonyms for the words you used that may outline the image more, obviously you don't have to change anything, and it could be as simple as adding a picture instead.
Overall, it is an amazing chapter, be proud!

Chapter Two - And I Know I Can't Change What Happened:10/10
I love Persephone and I love the opening to this chapter; this chapter has your readers hooked right from the start as they question whether her freedom is going to last.
You are a very talented writer, and even if it's the second chapter I already feel connected to your characters, and this is a very beautiful talent to have because without likeable characters that cause your readers to get attached to the story, your readers tend to get bored and stop reading.
I love the multiple points of view in a chapter, and I love the little flashback snippets that your readers receive. These will cause your readers to ask questions and ultimately become more invested in the story.
Another beautiful chapter.

Chapter Three- Break the Mould: 10/10
I love this little "gang" of homeless people.
I really have no comments on these chapters as they are the perfect chapters, they are well written and intriguing to your audience, which is a perfect quality to have as a writer.
So, from here on you'll probably just get a lot of compliments and my thoughts on the chapter, this may help you to understand what your readers may be thinking and then you can decide on whether or not that is the desired goal for this story.

Chapter Four - Come Back to What You Know: 9/10
I love Chris and Seph. I am absolutely in love with Lana. Iris really needs a slap up the side of the head though, that woman is so out-of-line. Your characters are just so well planned, and they are brought to life beautifully.
I am quite confused with the whole press situation, is Seph's family famous for how perfect they are or something? This might just be slightly confusing for your readers as I don't believe you have stated why this family is surrounded by the social pressures of the media/press.

Chapter Five - I Know it's Over but I Still Pray: 10/10
I really do love this chapter, the drama is escalating, and it is written so convincingly that I was half-convinced that it was all playing out right in front of me. I really just have so much emotion and attachment to these characters.
You are an amazing writer, and you should be very proud. You have written a very compelling and interesting piece of art and I am so privileged to have had the chance to not only read this story but also review it.

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