Murder is the Case [Ash]

39 7 2

Book: Murder is the Case
Author: Eddy622
Reviewer: _Ash_es
Chapters read:

Cover: 3/5
That's a very unique cover you have there. It matches the story and title very well and I especially love the Nigerian vibes it's giving.

Title and blurb: 8/10
The title is simple and clear but still grabs readers' interest. I really loved the story description. You did an exceptional job there. I must say, you know how to hook your readers. The mechanics were also perfect.

Introduction: 18/20
First thing I'll comment on is how everything is so vivid and relatable. You make your world feel so real. Just like the blurb, it was incredibly captivating. Leaves a lot of questions in my head and makes me want to read more. I like the way you introduced the characters. The love interest and her female friend. A very intriguing start!

Mechanics: 9/10
Perfect grammar, Punctuation and spelling. The dialogue punctuation was also perfect. But some paragraphs were a bit long and made it hard to read. I suggest splitting them up and there were a few mistakes I saw where you omitted commas.

Plot: 4/5
Brilliant narration. I especially love the dialogues. They sound genuine. A very interesting read throughout. The struggle the main character was having trying to believe whether her sister commited suicide or not was really felt. The emotions were strong.

Originality: 7/10
It's a really interesting murder mystery story with a unique plot and it was written well with very likeable and relatable characters. But it was a bit cliché especially in the crime/detective aspect. I dunno if you get it.

Writing style: 15/20
Commendable writing style. Great descriptions and sentence structure. The only problem I had with it was in the beginning. You could just rephrase some sentences to make them sound less awkward.

Enjoyment: 16/20
One of the best Nigerian themed books I've read, to be honest. I personally detest many Nigerian books but this and a few others still give me hope that Nigerians can be amazing writers.

Total: 80/100

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