Sweet Night [Nish]

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Book: Sweet Night
Author: almostgods-
Reviewer: Rising-Queen
Chapters read: 5

The character is very complex and hard to understand but you made it very easy with your words.

I think the story is flowing a little to fast in the start but catches up the pace in the mid.
To avoid this, I suggest you to split the first three chapters into four. Add more little little scenarios to split.

Also, try to modify the ritual to said in the beginning that your female protagonist does,
The ritual practice is very short, maybe extend it with candles, lamps, ghosts, you know spooky.

For the cover I'd suggest you to remove those two people kissing and since it's supernatural story add elements related to it. Make sure you make your title in beautiful font and bold. Add a quote, something very dark in the cover that'll enhance it. Don't forget your name XD

I gotta appreciate you for the language you used in these book alongside catchy words that are easy for people to understand.
I couldn't find any punctuation error too. Good work in this section.

For the conversations with those spirits summoned I advise you to change that convo, tho the sarcasticness is good but maybe try making it spooky. Very advanced something like spirits will talk.

And you can find a new place to perform rituals then tree.
You know bedside of river, a secret basement, graveyard.

Overall this is a very good book,
Can be modified and it's a masterpiece ready.

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