Chapter 43

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After taking a shower, Yu Li changed into loose and comfortable clothes and came out.

His always pale skin is now pink, and his semi-wet hair hangs softly, as if his temperament is softened.

Xie Fei was sitting on the ground carefully folding his clothes, and asked casually: "Brother, your play is finished, will you not leave for the time being?"

Yu Li wiped his hair and said, "There is no plan to join the team next."

Xie Fei's eyes lit up, "Then we can be together every day."

Yu Li was slightly stagnant, and said reservedly: "I have a lot of announcements, don't give birth to unrealistic fantasies." Seeing Xie Fei's lost eyes, he softly changed his words: "If you don't make me angry, I can let the company make less arrangements. a little."

As soon as the voice fell, the sharp screams pierced the eardrums of the two at the same time, and saw a group of white shadows swooping in from the window and falling heavily to the ground.

"Silver millet!"

Xie Fei's face changed, seeing Yinsu lying weakly on the ground, the feather that the other party cherished the most in the day was messy, and his eyes were full of panic when he looked up at them.

And Yu Li had already dropped the towel and walked over, carefully holding Yinsu in his arms, a frosty chill brewing in his eyes.


Yinsu cried weakly.

Yu Li was startled, his expression was very unexpected, and then he became a little more solemn.

He handed Yinsu to Xie Fei, "Take care of it first. I'll go out."

Xie Fei had never seen Yu Li so serious, and his heart was tight: "What's the matter?"

"There was an accident, I didn't count..." Yu Li frowned, "I'll explain to you when I come back."

Seeing that Yu Li couldn't even change his shoes, he hurried out. Xie Fei asked anxiously, "Brother, where are you going?"

Yu Li didn't look back: "Except the demon."


There is even a demon that can make Yu Li use the word "di". You must know that Yu Lisu takes care of the same kind, even if it is only a half-demon.

Although Xie Fei was full of doubts, he knew that the situation was urgent and did not rush to ask.

Seeing Yu Li leave the door, a wave of unhelpful loss and deep worries surged in his heart.

Xie Fei looked at Yinsu, who was trembling in his arms, both distressed and angry. Moreover, Yinsu went to find Bai Yan. Now he flies back in such embarrassment, what really happened to Bai Yan?

But Yu Li didn't explain him to the police...

Xie Fei curled his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "How is Mr. Bai?"

Yinsu "cuckled" twice and nodded.

Xie Fei breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Then do you know what demon brother is talking about?"

Yinsu shook his head this time, with a low expression.

Xie Fei touched its head, barely comforting: "Don't worry, brother will help you get revenge."

On the way Yu Lifei rushed to Shaoyang Town, the person who hurt Yinsu was sitting in front of the dressing table and taking a selfie in the mirror.

Her gorgeous facial features were reflected in the mirror, but it was a pity that there were two deep bone scars on her face, the skin was open and fleshy, and blood was flowing. The woman didn't care, a weird smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she hummed softly while cleaning the wound with a cotton swab.

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