Chapter 57

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In the dark corner, there was a dark shadow like a sack.

Xie Fei suffocated his breath and stepped forward gently, as if he was afraid of disturbing the other party.

When he approached, he saw a plump panda "thinking about it" like a plump ball of hair.


Xie Fei screamed carefully.

The panda's ears flicked.

"Brother." Xie Fei called again.

The panda paused and turned his head slowly.

In the moonlight, one person and one beast looked at each other quietly.

Xie Fei heard his little heart beating, and after a while, he slowly raised his hand and approached it inch by inch.

Feeling the warm and humid nose in the palm, Xie Fei held his breath and gently touched the tip of the panda's nose.

Xie Fei had heard that the panda's hair was very hard earlier than expected, but now he finally understands what it feels like.

He moved his hand to the right, touched the panda's round and fluffy face, then a bear hugged him, "So cute!"

The panda was stiff, and after a while he lifted a paw and patted Xie Fei's back lightly.

In the next hour, Xie Fei spent the time in the panda-cuddling, smoothing the belly of Mao Rua...

At first, Yu Li was quite tight, but after eating a few pieces of cake and drinking a few sips of wine, he seemed to give up on himself and completely liberated his nature. Ren Xie Fei acted as a mastermind on him.

Even the juvenile body was transformed to make Xie Fei lift high.

Only one thing, he always resisted.

"Brother Ali, can't you really hug my leg?"

"Don't be greedy!" The panda cub sat on the sofa, shaking his short legs and scolding with a serious face.

"But in a dream--"

"To shut up!"


The stars in the room never go out, and the hazy moonlight seems like a dream.

Only a small piece of cake and a bottle of residual wine were left on the table, and a man and a beast lay on the sofa.

The sleeping panda cub hugged Xie Fei's thighs. The latter did not know that his wish had been fulfilled, and he was immersed in his dream again.

The cave is pleasant at four times, and the Yaohua is not thankful.

Next to a pool of clear springs, a black-robed man holding a fishing rod, sitting quietly by the pool, kneeling beside a beautiful woman.

"Master, you have bothered to help Ali get rid of evil. It's the end of your benevolence." The woman was unwilling and persuaded: "Chalcedony fruit can help you increase your cultivation base by 500 years. Do you really want to use it on Ali?

The man stared at the calm surface of the pool and said in a low voice, "Ali was taken jade bone by the Jiuli people since he was a child. If he doesn't take the chalcedony fruit, it will be difficult to transform him in this life."

"The owner treats it this way, but it is untamed and unfamiliar."

"Where is it hard to tame? Ali was infected by evil, and his mental intelligence was degraded, and I left for too long, it just forgot me." The man said, "Besides, I have no intention of tame it."

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