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Hey there, we met again... through this screen, haha... I hope everything is well and good for you... it's okay... it happens... and it will happen again... we have to face it... we can't run away from it... Remember, every time you feel sad, it's just a temporary feeling. Over time, things change, and so do our emotions. You're strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way. Don't let sadness define you. Keep pushing forward, You've got this!!! HWAITING!!!!!


"Ya Come on, you can't sleep like this, tell me... get up..?? Will you..??" he said to his friend, who was lazily lying on their dorm beds...

"Hmmm, leave me please.." the sleepy head mumbled in his sleep... earning an eye roll from his friend...

"Ni-ki, seriously, get up... You have to tell me..." he said, removing the blanket and throwing it aside...

"AHH, SIM JUNGWONN.." the sleepy head Ni-ki groaned, sitting up on the bed...

"What..?? Tell me.." Jungwon said, pulling Ni-ki's so he better not plop on the sofa again... Jungwon dragged Ni-ki to the floor...

If you're wondering what's going on..?? It's nothing but Ni-ki being stubborn again, even though jungwon asked Ni-ki... about a hundred times... You really can guess Niki's answer...


Gosh, I seriously... this is why I'm not too fond of introverts...

including myself too-  an Introvert...?? No then extrovert..?? NO... then Ambivert..?? No, I'm a prev- anyways...

what is the problem with them..? I really don't understand, bestie... when my bestie, asks me, "Hey, what happened, is something wrong..?? it's, okay you can share your problem with me.."

First of all, they won't ask me like this... second of all I don't have friends cause I'm a social butterfly of course...

so let's talk in the third person POV... if they are your best friend they will tease you for sure... and then maybe yes if only god grace falls on them... they would ask you... and by good grace even if they ask you... many of a person's inner selves are like...

"bestie You gotta ask me one more time then I'll tell you..." and by chance, if they did again... that person would still be like bestie one more time... and yeah besties will only ask after teasing you... saying...

"for you, you're my best friend. I'll do it one more time.."

they would, fortunately, ask you... and there would be some persons... who want to be asked still more... just one more time... one more time... please please just this time one more time... I'm sure, I'm sure I'll tell you... and that "will tell you"... would never come. instead, they'll say...

"Need some privacy, please,"

and that's how they'll never tell anyone their problems... I know it's not only them... We all have that one friend who seems to keep their emotions and thoughts locked away. It can be frustrating when you want to connect with them on a deeper level, but they won't open up.

Sometimes, people have their reasons for being guarded. It could be past experiences, fear of vulnerability, or just their personality. While... we know it's important to respect their boundaries...

yes, you can still show them that you're there for them. Be patient, be a good listener, and let them know that they can trust you... Over time, they may feel more comfortable and start to open up... Gotch ya...

"ya, stop you're- he said to the cat-faced boy who had been asking him... till now...

"Ni-ki ya, come on you need to tell... you know..." He gently asked keeping his palm under his chin...

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