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Dreams are fascinating, aren't they..? They can take us on wild adventures, show us things we never thought possible, and sometimes even leave us with lingering questions. Whether it's a dream that feels like a glimpse into another world or one that leaves us pondering its meaning, dreams have a way of captivating our imaginations.

So, in this dream-like meeting, they find themselves in a picturesque Cruise setting. The sun was slowly setting, casting a warm golden glow over the sparkling waves. The sound of murmur filled the air as they stood looking at each other as they met after a long time... but it was not about the time... but the person... who he knew seemed to change a lot...

The longer he stared the longer he felt he was changed... As he stares, they engage in deep and meaningful conversations, sharing their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The connection between them feels effortless... as if they've known each other for a lifetime...

their laugh, their shared stories, and their created memories that will last forever. The gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop to their encounter. In that moment, everything feels perfect and magical.

And then, in the midst of this enchanting atmosphere, Time seems to stand still, as their eyes... the windows to their souls, conveying emotions that words could never fully capture. In that moment, a profound connection is forged, and they both feel the depth of their faith and solemnity...

With a single glance, they understand each other on a level that transcends language. It's as if their hearts are speaking directly to one another, whispering secrets of affection and devotion. In the silence, they find solace, knowing that their love is a language of its own, understood only by them...

Every gaze, every smile, and every touch is a testament to the love that binds them together. It's a love that is pure, genuine, and everlasting. As they continue to gaze into each other's eyes, the world around them fades away, leaving only the two of them in this magical moment. they were lost in a sea of emotions, where words are unnecessary, and their hearts speak volumes...

And in this intimate exchange, they know that their love is not bound by the constraints of time or distance. It is a love that will endure, growing stronger with each passing day. With every beat of their hearts, they affirm their commitment to one another, promising to cherish and support each other through all of life's joys and challenges...

"I wasn't too late, Right..??"

"I missed you..."

both of them spoke at once and both were startled by their sudden voice... then chuckling a little the smaller one nodded...

"Yes... you're late... I would Have- before he could complete his words... the older one with a black leather Jacket... pulled him by his waist... what an Insatiable habit... but the smaller one maintained his gap by keeping his hands on the older one's chest... forgetting about the bad reputation they will get because of this... Then pulling the smaller one nearer, the older one smirked smilingly... And said...

 And said

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