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"Hey, hyung wanna play hide and seek..?" the Bright little boy asked his hyung showing his boxy smile to which his brother couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Sure!! But I'm really good at hiding, so you better watch out.." his hyung said earning a little chuckle from his younger brother.

"Haha, we'll see about that hyung! I'll count first, okay?"

"Okay, I'll find the best hiding spot ever!*,"

his little brother starts counting while he runs off to find the perfect hiding spot.*

after counting to 10 the little guy turns his head and says..

"Ready or not, here I come!!"

He searches high and low, checking behind trees and under bushes, but he can't find his hyung.

"Hmm, where could he be hiding..?" Just as he starts to give up, he hears a giggle coming from behind a big rock.

"HYUNGG I FOUND YOU.." he started giggling and running toward his hyung who came out from behind the rock and faked a gloomy face.

"You found meee! But I bet you can't find me next time.." he said, smugly. to which his little brother giggled again.

"Haha, we'll see about that, hyung... how about I hide and you find me..??" he challenged his hyung.

"Challenge accepted. I can find you in seconds." he smiled.

"That's not possible." said his younger brother in offense.

"You bet..?? no matter what I can find you..."

"Haha, bet you can't hyung. it can take you forever"

"I will find you even if it will take me forever.."

"I will find you Jaeyun-ah."







"I found you.." he thought, looking at him with fierce eyes.

"excuse me..??" Jake said, with a little nervousness.

*Ha." he faked a laugh.

"I was saying that it might have been difficult for you, isn't that Jake..??" he smirked.

"I'm sorry..??"

"You should be..." he said, his gaze fixed on Jake's perplexed expression.

The tension in the room was tangible, a thick fog of uncertainty hanging between them like a heavyweight. Each word uttered seemed to add fuel to the growing intensity, amplifying the unease that crackled in the air.

"I said You should be..." His voice trailed off, laden with a heavy intensity that sent a chill down Jake's spine.

The atmosphere crackled with tension, the silence punctuated only by the sound of their shallow breaths. Shadows danced menacingly on the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to mirror the dark thoughts swirling in their minds.

With each passing second, the tension in the room grew thicker, wrapping around them like a suffocating blanket. It was as if they were teetering on the edge of a precipice, the abyss yawning hungrily beneath him, waiting to swallow him whole.

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