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Everything was Twisted... until the truth uncovered those secrets... that are meant to be always hidden...

Secrets, oh yes the secrets, they are like a Pandora's box, concealing untold stories and hidden desires. They can be as delicate as a fragile glass sculpture, fragile yet captivating. 

Secrets have the power to bind us, to imprison us in a web of silence. They whisper in our ears, tempting us to keep them locked away, but they also gnaw at our souls, begging to be set free.

And then there are lies, those deceitful creatures that slither through the darkness. Lies have a way of weaving their intricate tapestry, entangling us in their intricate web. They wear masks of deception, disguising the truth with their silver tongues. Lies can be like a poison, spreading through our veins, and corrupting our very essence.

But beware, my friend, for the allure of secrets and lies comes at a cost. They erode trust, leaving behind a barren wasteland of broken relationships. They cast a shadow over our hearts, breeding doubt and suspicion. The weight of secrets can become unbearable, burdening our conscience and distorting our sense of self.

Yet, amidst the darkness, there is a glimmer of hope. The truth, like a beacon, cuts through the fog of deceit. It has the power to heal, to mend the shattered pieces of our lives. It may be painful, ripping away the veil of illusion, but it brings with it a sense of liberation and authenticity.

Remember, the truth may be hard to confront, but it has the power to set us free from the tangled web of darkness.

And one more thing Secrets are snow...

Snow.. Huh...

Yes, Secrets are Just like snow, Cold, and Secretive. They all fall softly into our lives, covering the landscape of our thoughts and emotions... And just as snow can create a sense of wonder and mystery, secrets can add a touch of intrigue and anticipation to our lives... But remember, while snow eventually melts away, some secrets are meant to be kept hidden forever...

Sometimes, delving too deep into secrets and lies can have serious consequences. It can lead to broken relationships, shattered trust, and a sense of darkness that can be hard to escape. Secrets can weigh heavily on our hearts, creating a sense of sadness and despair.

"I can't believe you changed This much.."

"It was me who made you back to Human..."

Losing someone we care about can be incredibly difficult and can bring a lot of sadness and darkness into our lives. It's important to give yourself time to grieve and process your emotions. Remember that it's okay to lean on others for support during this tough time...

"And You forget me..??"

He lost someone who was incredibly special, which gave him an incredibly painful and dark experience.

 The weight of grief can feel suffocating, like a heavy fog that settles over every aspect of life. Memories of that person may flood his mind, bringing both joy and deep sadness. 

It's in these moments of loss that we truly understand the fragility of life and the profound impact that certain individuals have on our hearts. The world may seem dimmer without them, as if the colors have faded away, leaving only shades of gray. 

The pain of their absence can feel like a never-ending ache, a constant reminder of what is missing. In the midst of this darkness...

Remember, even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered.

"And I... still remember our first snow..."

He heavily sighed, watching all the photos and The albums... which he held in his hand...

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"I'm Back Ja-


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