008. elephant's memory

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"Officer Letts shot this just before he was killed." JJ says as they watch the video. They all look as Spencer rushes in.

"Sorry I'm late." Spencer says.

"I hope she was worth it." Rossi comments.

"I hope it was a she." Derek jokes.

"I'm sorry. I-I was in the movies." Spencer says.

"Oh, really? Why don't you tell us what it was about?" Rossi asks.

"I had to leave early, so I can't really--" Spencer stops.

"I know it's late, I know we're tired, but we've got two dead cops." Hotch says.

"All right, uh, the resident, Rod Norris, was D.O.A. They're still trying to ID the remains of the second victim, whom they believe is his 16 year old daughter, Jordan." JJ says. "From the condition of the remains she would have had to have been inside the house close to the source of the blast."

"Clearly, they used the bombing to set the officers up for an ambush." Emily says.

"It's a well established terrorist tactic. First wave takes out civilians, the second wave takes out first responders." Spencer says.

"The locals are thinking terrorism in West Bune, Texas?" Derek questions.

"Not exactly a tier-one target, but DHS did issue a terror alert for the border states yesterday, just due to the timing and nature of the attack." JJ says.

"I've never heard of this place. I mean, the militia, okay, that I could see." Derek says.

"Yeah, well, it is close to the border. It could be traffickers sending a message." Emily says.

"Whoever it is, they gunned down two cops and blew up a teenage girl. Till they're stopped, no one in that town is safe." Rossi says.

"We need to be cautious with the locals. They've lost two of their own, they're anxious, they're scared, and they're gonna want revenge." Hotch says.

"Can you blame them?" Rossi asks.


"Sheriff Hallum?" JJ asks.

"Ma'am." He nods.

"Jennifer Jareau." She shakes his hand. "This is the team. Agents Hotcner, Rossi, Dr. Reid, Prentiss, Morgan, and Davis. We're really sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. Where do we start?" Hallum asks.

"First victim, Rod Norris." Hotch says.

"Manager of the chemical plant over at IBIS. No arrests in 10 years since his wife left him. I can't blame her for leaving him, but it's a shame she left Jordan behind." Hallum says.

"What can you tell us about Jordan?" Rossi asks.

"Sweet girl, a bit slow." Hallum says.

"Slow? She was mentally challenged?" Emily asks.

"Not quite. Special ed and all that stuff. Takes some talking to her to notice it. I think her mother leaving took its toll." Hallum says.

"Sheriff, I'd like to gather your people back at the office so I can brief them all together." JJ says.

"Sure. But I'm staying here." He says.

"Of course." JJ nods. "Thank you."

~ ~ ~

"Hit pattern says they were fired on full auto. Tight grouping for it. Single burst put 'em both down. That takes skill and some serious training." Derek says.

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