013. minimal loss

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"Tell us about the 911 call." Spencer says.

"Um, I believe the "he" that they referred to is the church's leader, Benjamin Cyrus." Nancy says.

"Benjamin Cyrus -- no criminal record. No record at all, really." Spencer says, looking through the file. "What else do you know about him?"

"It's rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages." Nancy says.

"Any idea who the caller is?" Emily asks.

"Uh, Jessica Evanson is the one who the age fits, but... we can't be sure. So I negotiated interviews with all the children. It wasn't easy." Nancy says.

"Well, considering their views on outsiders, it would be best if you didn't identify us as FBI. Just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts." Emily instructs.

They pull up outside the ranch and a guy opens the gate for them. Nancy pulls up outside one of the buildings and the four get out.

"I'm looking for Mr. Benjamin Cyrus." Nancy tells a guy.

"You found him." He says.

"I'm Nancy Lunde. We spoke on the phone regarding the allegation." Nancy recalls.

"Savages, they call us. Cause our manners differ from theirs." Cyrus says.

"We didn't come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus." Nancy says.

"Actually, it's Benjamin Franklin." Spencer corrects.

"Emily Prentiss, Bedelia Davis, Spencer Reid. They're child victim interview experts." Nancy informs.

"How far from God's word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called child victim interview expert." Cyrus says.

"We wish we didn't have to be here." Emily says.

"So do we. But you are welcome, nonetheless. The children are in the school as I indicated." Cyrus says.

"Thank you." Emily says, the three women walking off.


"We go to school. We do our chores. And we treat ourselves and each other with the respect God demands." Jessica says, her mom standing next to her.

"But you've never been off of the ranch?" Emily asks.

"I brought Jessie here when she was two." Kathy says.

"You've talked to lots of children in your work. Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours?" Jessica questions.

"We devote ourselves to God. That doesn't mean we're not devoted to our children." Kathy says.

"We are not here because of your religious beliefs." Emily says.

"Why are you here?" Jessica asks.

"We received a phone call alleging that an adult male member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here." Emily explains.

"You're talking about Cyrus." Jessica says.

"What makes you say that?" Emily asks.

"Jessie, come on." Kathy says, trying to shush her.

"Is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?" Jessica inquires.

"You're married to Cyrus?" Emily asks.

"Yes. Cyrus is my husband and a prophet. It's an honor to bear this children." Jessica states.

"Jessica, you're 15 years old. The, uh, state of Colorado requires parental consent." Spencer says.

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