4.5 - Yuan Qi also seemed to have forgotten the unpleasant experience

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  Children's malice is often unprovoked and straightforward. Even if some children don't understand why, they still reject Yuan Qi along with others due to herd mentality.

  When Bai Shuyan saw that he didn't like going out to play at first, he thought he was having a quarrel with someone, until one day Yuan Qi was criticized by the teacher in class for scribbling in his homework book.

  Yuan Qi lowered his head and said nothing. He took back his homework and silently erased it with an eraser.

  But the scratches made by the pen tip still remained on the blank paper.

  A prairie dog screamed in the system: "Ahhhh? What's going on? Who did it? I'm going to shark him!"

  Bai Shuyan glanced around the classroom and saw several children snickering proudly.

  "These few..." He lowered his face and made a mental note for them.

  The system looked at his gloomy face and swallowed, "Host, it's not like this. After all, they are still children, hahaha."

  Bai Shuyan said indifferently: "We fierce ghosts take revenge, and we just pay attention to retaliation. There is no need to pay attention to age."

  The system's mood was torn between "the host is so handsome" and "is it too cruel?" for a long time.

  Then for three days in a row, these children were punished by the teacher and were forced to stand in class for a period because they handed in blank homework books. Because he refused to change his ways and lied to a crowd, he was punished by the teacher and was suspended from school for a month.

  "..." System: "Tit for tooth."

  Isn't the method too childish and "we are fierce ghosts"?

  The school bell rang, and the children in the class ran out like joy.

  No one went to and from school with Yuan Qi. He walked slowly on the road alone with his schoolbag on his back, but he did not feel lost.

  Those children apologized to him today.

  "Apologise? Why? Oh, it's okay about the homework book. I don't care about it a long time ago."

  "Your homework? I don't know. How could I have asked the devil to do it? It's so imaginative. What kind of devil would a child believe in? You must have watched too many cartoons." Yuan Qi gave a friendly smile and Their innocent expressions made them feel a little ashamed.

  Bai Shuyan was following him lightly, escorting him.

  Yuan Qi turned around and said to him: "Master, there is no one here. How about we hold hands and walk."

  When he smiled, a small dimple was looming on his left cheek, and a small tiger tooth was exposed.

  Ahhhh, this coquettishness is so sweet.

  In his heart, Bai Shuyan and the system held his face together and sucked the little protagonist.

  Taking Bai Shuyan's hand, Yuan Qi raised his eyebrows with satisfaction.

  "Everyone, come here and gather together." Back at the orphanage, the aunt gathered these children of about the same age together and said, "Someone will come to see you in a while. Be good. They may bring a lot of gifts. Remember to be polite." ."

  "Got it!" a group of children responded in long tones.

  Sometimes people who want to adopt come to the orphanage. A group of children suddenly light up their eyes and look at the door expectantly.

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