Chapter 4

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Tareek's POV

It takes only a few seconds, before I can hear that the belt is making it's way towards me.

It's the sound of a very harsh wind, which scares me more than the pain that follows it.

I try to be quiet for the whole time, but I'm not sure if I actually manage to do that.

"It's done." Devonte says, and I nod slightly, before I pull my pants up.

I don't think that I will be able to sit for a few days, because the Omegas heal a lot slower than the normal ranked wolves, but I guess that I will have to survive somehow.

Devonte gestures for me to follow him to one for the rooms that are near the dining room.

"Well, one person used to come here to do everything around the house, but I guess that you will be doing it now.

I will just tell you what you will be doing, and tomorrow, that person will come here to show you how to do everything." He tells me, so I nod in acknowledgement.

It turns out that there aren't a lot of things that I have to do, he just wants me to make sure that the house is spotless, to wash our clothes, and do some other easy tasks.

I already did that when I was working with other Omegas, and I wonder if Devonte made me clean the pack house, so I could practice, before I will have to clean his house.

I roll my eyes, and I follow Devonte back to the living room.

"There are a few more things that I will expect you to do." He tells me, so I look at him curiously.

"Wren will stay with you, and he will teach you some things that you should have learned while attending the school." He tells me.

I stopped going to school not long ago, because Devonte told me that he doesn't want me to go there, although I'm not sure what's the reason for that.

"Okay." I agree without any reluctance, because I'm more than happy to do that.

"And the last thing is that you will have to carry a lot do kids for me." He says.

I look at him for a while, and I wonder if he's serious.

By his expression, I can see that he really wants to have a lot of kids with me, but I know that it's not possible.

"I'm a man." I tell him.

"You're an Omega, so you're able to have kids." He explains, and my eyes widen.

"And how will they come out of me?" I ask him, although I don't really want to know the answer to that.

"You will give birth to them, and they will come out of your ass. It might take a few minutes, but it mostly takes up to a week for an Omega to give birth." He tells me.

I force myself to nod, although I'm definitely not excited about that.

I was happy that I'm a man, and that I won't be able to have kids, because I was never a fan of birth, and I didn't want to experience it.

But I guess that I don't have any other choice now.

"Okay." I say.

"Let's go upstairs, so we can make one now." Devonte says with a smirk, and I nod again, before I force myself to follow him to his bedroom.

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