Chapter 11

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Devonte's POV

"Can I go to the pack house with you today?" Tareek asks me, and I quickly shake my head.

I want to make sure that everything's going well there, and I have a lot of work to do, so I don't want to have to worry about Tareek too.

"Maybe I will take you one day." I say, and he groans.

"But I want to go with you." He tells me with a pout.

"Get that expression off of your face, because it won't get you anything other than a punishment." I tell him sternly.

I just hope that my kids will listen to me more than Tareek does, because I'm not sure if I will have the patience to deal with all of them.

"I want to go." He tells me with an annoyed voice.

"Tareek." I say harshly, trying to warn him that I'm losing my patience, but he doesn't seem to get that.

"Can I go for a short while?" He asks pleadingly.

"I will lock you in the garage, if you won't behave from now on. You're an Omega, so remember that, because I don't want to have to remind you of this again." I say.

"Fine. But you're mean." He tells me with an offended expression, and then he stands up from the couch, before he goes out of the living room.

"Come back here." I say, before he can go out of my vision.

He doesn't acknowledge it, and he keeps walking.

"I said that I want you to come back here." I say sternly, this time a lot louder to make sure that he heard me.

He doesn't come back, and I can hear that he's quickly walking up the stairs, so I sigh in annoyance, before I follow him.

I open my bedroom door, before I walk inside, and I quickly notice that Tareek is laying on my bed.

Well, I guess that it's our bed now, since we're living together.

"Get up, and go to the garage." I say, and I point at the door.

"No." He tells me, and I look at him with a glare, before I walk towards him.

"I really don't want to hurt you, but that's only because you're pregnant. So, either go to the garage and stay there until I will come back.

Or I will make sure that you will regret it after our kid will be born." I say, and he looks at me for a while, before he sighs, and he stands up.

He starts to walk towards the door, and I make sure to hit him on his ass harshly.

He winces slightly, but he doesn't turn around, so I follow him downstairs, and I make sure that he will go to the garage.

I lock all of the doors, and I go to the pack house.

Now I will have to find Wren, and give him the keys, so he can make sure that Tareek will be alright.

I sigh in annoyance again, and I try to find a punishment that I can give him for this, one that won't affect the kid.

I smirk slightly when I see Finley, and I guess that making Tareek stay with him will be a good punishment for now.

I quickly tell him what's going on, and then I give him the keys to my house, before I send him on his way towards it, while I walk inside of the pack house.

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