Chapter 48

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Devonte's POV

I decided to take Tareek on a date, and that we will go alone this time, because lately most of the time that we spent together was with Wren.

I don't really mind it, and I'm sure that Tareek doesn't too, but I want to spend some time alone with him anyway.

I told some of the pack members to make a few sweets for us, and I have them in the bag that I carrying with me.

I also have a blanket, and I hope that Tareek will like everything that I planned.

I never had to plan a date before, and I didn't really expect that I will ever do it.

But I guess that I want Tareek to like me more than he likes Wren, so I will have to work hard to make sure that it's the case.

When we reach he clearing, that I have chosen, I can see that it's empty, and I smile, before I gesture for Tareek to follow me.

I put the blanket on the ground, and then I gesture for him to sit, before I take the snacks out.

I know that Tareek didn't eat much sweets, same like any other pack member.

That's because I don't want anyone here to eat a lot of sugar, especially the kids, since then I would have a lot of kids running around the pack house like wild animals.

I'm sure that they still do that, but that would have been a lot worse if they ate some sugar.

"I didn't eat any of those since my birthday." He tells me, and I look at him to see that he has wide wyes.

"I know." I say with a chuckle. "I made sure that you got some sweets for each of your birthdays." I say, and his eyes widen.

I made sure that he had a lot of things, and I would have raised him alone, but I didn't want to do that, since that would be weird for him when I would tell him that we're mates.

Before he can ask me about that, I give him one for the sweets, and he happily takes it from me, before he bites it.

I do the same with another donut, although I don't eat it nearly as quickly as my mate does.

"So?" He asks me. "Why didn't you tell me that I was your mate when I was a kid?" Tareek asks me.

"Because you were too young then." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes

"I'm still too young, but you told me." He tells me.

"I don't care about the Moon Goddess' laws that restrict the Omegas." I tell him.

"You're a werewolf, and you might be smaller and weaker, but the girls are similar, and I don't see any restricting away for them." I say.

He smiles at me, before he takes another thing from the bag, and he eats it happily.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much truth is in what I just said, but I know that I don't care about the laws when it comes to Tareek, so I guess that it was genuine enough.

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