Chapter 29

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Devonte's POV

I had to leave Tareek with Wren and some guards for a few days, because I had to go on a hunting trip with some of the pack warriors, to make sure that they won't mess anything up.

We don't buy any food from the humans, because we have a lot of fruits and vegetables that are growing near the pack house, and we go hunting when we're out of meat.

But that means that there's a lot of work for me and the warriors, about once a three months.

Because we have to kill a lot of deers which are out of the pack borders.

That that means that we have to find them, run after them, and then we have to drag them all the way to the pack house.

And other people do everything that has to be done with it, and then they freeze the meat for later.

When we're finally done with everything, and there are enough deers to last for the next few months, then I take a shower in my office, and I go back to my house.

Wren and Tareek are playing with Logan, although I'm not sure if I can actually call it playing.

They smile when they seem me, so I smile back, before I sit on the couch near them.

They're sitting on the floor, and they are waiving some of the toys in front of Logan's face, while the baby just looks at them like he wishes that they could just go away.

I chuckle slightly, because I can already see that he will be the same me, at least in behaviour.

I sit here for a long while, until I start to feel weird.

My head is starting to hurt a lot, and I have to grip my head in my hands.

"Are you alright?" Wren asks me, and I shrug.

"My head hurts." I say.

He says something, but I don't really hear what, and I groan when I fell that someone is touching me.

I quickly realise that it's Tareek, so I decide to not push him away.

Although a few minutes later, someone else is touching me too, and I'm pretty sure that it's the doctor.

I try to make him go away, but then I decide to just let him help me, so he can stop the pain.

I try to open my eyes, but I quickly realise that they're hurting too much, so I decide to keep them closed.

"I will have to take him to the pack hospital." The doctor says, and I shake my head, but it seems that they don't care about my opinion.

Wren helps me stand up, and he drags me to the pack hospital, along with the doctor who's a bit more helpful than my brother.

Before we can walk out of the house, my head stops hurting, and I'm actually able to open my eyes again, so I do it happily, and I push everyone away lightly.

"I'm fine now." I tell them.

"You should go to the pack hospital, so I can make sure that you're actually alright." The doctor tells me, but I shake my head.

"I will be fine." I say, and I take Tareek's hand, before I lead him back to the house, and Wren reluctantly follows us.

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