Chapter 33

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Tareek's POV

I look at Wren, while he's playing with Logan in the back yard.

I'm sitting near the door that leads from the living room to the back yard, and I look at Wren while he makes Logan chuckle.

Or at least he tries to, but the kid is almost like a stone wall, and not much can actually make him laugh.

I know that it's not right, but recently I started to like Wren more that I should, and I'm not sure if I'm alright with that.

I know that I can't tell anyone about it, because they will most likely be angry at me, so I decide to keep it to myself.

I just hope that Wren and Devonte won't be able to see that I'm attracted to Wren.

I don't even want to think about what Devonte would do to Wren if he will find out about it, so I won't let it happen.

Wren comes here not much later, and he frowns slightly.

"What's wrong with you today?" He asks me, and I take Logan from his arms, when I can see that he's looking at me, before I turn to look at Wren again.

"Nothing." I say, and he doesn't seem to be believe me, but he decides to leave it.

"We can go to the pack house if you want." He tells me, and I happily agree.

I wasn't in the pack house in a long time, as long as I don't count the few times that I had to go to the pack hospital.

When we reach it, I can see the boy who found me at the cave, so go towards him, and Wren follows me, while I try to remember what's his name.

"Hi, Damien." I say, and he smiles when he sees that it's me.

I can see that he's a bit scared of Wren, but he's happy to see me.

"Hi, I didn't expect you to be here, since the Alpha usually makes you stay in his house." He tells me, and I shrug.

"I have to take care of Logan, and I don't really feel the need to go out that much." I tell him, and he nods in acknowledgement.

"I can see that he's doing well, he's much bigger than he was when the Alpha introduced him to the pack." He tells me, and he touches Logan's hand gently.

"He's almost as big as he should be, and he seems to be healthy, so I guess that he will be alright." I say.

We talk for a while longer, until I can see that Wren is getting bored.

So, I say goodbye to Damien, and I decide that Wren and I should walk around the pack house, to see what's going on here.

I used to do it a lot, and it used to annoy my babysitter, because he had to follow me around the whole day.

I'm sure that Devonte told him that he's not allowed to hurt me, because I'm sure that I would have been hit with a belt every day, and not only for that.

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