Chapter 41

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Tareek's POV

"What do you want from me?" I ask, when I see that Devonte is looking at me.

"I just wanted to asked what you want to do for your birthday." He tells me, and I frown.

"My birthday will be in a few months." I tell him, and he shrugs.

"I know, and I already want to know what you will want to do." He tells me.

I don't really know what I want to do, I usually stayed at the pack house with my babysitter like I did every other day.

And occasionally I was hanging out Lennox, and some of our other friends.

I shrug, and I look back at the shelf that I was cleaning, before I was interrupted.

Devonte and I decide that we will make another room for our second kid, because neither of us likes the idea of putting him in Logan's room.

And we have a lot of rooms in this house, so I guess that we can have seven kids, and neither of them will have to share a room with anyone.

And even Wren will be able to have his own room then.

The only problem is that all for those rooms are pretty big, and someone will have to clean them for all of those kids, and I'm pretty sure that it won't be Devonte.

That's most likely because he's currently laying on a blanket in the middle of the room, and he looks at the ceiling, thinking about something that won't happen for another few months.

While I'm trying to make this room look decent, so we can paint it soon.

"I don't know, and I don't really care." I tell him, and he groans, but he decides to not say anything else.

"What are you two doing here?" Wren asks.

"We're making this room for our next kid." Devonte tells him, and I chuckle.

"We?" Wren asks him. "It looks like Tareek is doing everything." He says, and Devonte shrugs.

Wren come towards me, and he puts his arms around my waist, before he kisses my neck once.

He walks away, and I look back at Devonte to see his reaction.

He isn't looking at me, but I don't think that he's bothered by what happened.

Although I'm not even sure if he was paying enough attention to realise what Wren did.

I know that Devonte likes when Wren joins us sometimes, but I still don't know the limits of this, so I'm very reluctant to do anything with Wren.

I guess that I will have to ask Devonte about it, because I really hate to not know how he will react every time that we do something like this.

And I want to know if I should push him away, or if that's alright with Devonte.

But I don't think that I should do this with Wren near us, so it will have to wait for a while longer.

For now, I try to concentrate on making sure that this room will be clean soon.

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