Chapter 37

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Devonte's POV

When I'm done talking to Lennox's mate, or more like threatening him to make sure that he will treat his mate as he should.

Then I call Wren, to ask him if he and Tareek are still in the pack house.

It turns out that they're already gone, so I sigh, and then I walk towards one of my other offices.

I take the stroller, which I brought when I was driving to the meeting not that long ago.

I know that not many of the pack members even touched something like this, because there's no reason for us to have strollers.

The only place where we could use it is on the path that leads to my house, and the path that leads to the city.

But Tareek, Wren and I are the only ones that go to my house, and no one's really allowed to walk on the path that leads to the city.

I go to the house, and when I open the front door, I can see that Tareek is already waiting on me, so I smile at him.

"Where did you get a stroller?" He asks me, and I can see that he already likes it.

"When I was away at the meeting." I say, and I push it slightly, so it can roll towards Tareek.

He touches it gently for a few seconds, before I he starts to push it towards the living room.

He takes all of the things that are in Logan's crib, and he puts it in the stroller, before he takes the baby from Wren, and he puts him inside.

I chuckle slightly when I see that Tareek is going out of the living room, and I sigh, before I follow him.

"I guess that were going on a walk." I say, and Wren ashrugs.

"I don't mind." He tells me.

I don't really mind either, so I stay quiet, and I follow Tareek outside, where he immediately starts to walk towards the pack house.

"What are you going to do with the houses that are in the woods?" Wren asked me curiously.

"I'm not sure yet. I will either renovate them for my kids, or I will remove them, and I will build another pack house for my kids." I say.

"Or more like our kids." I say quietly, making sure that Tareek won't hear me.

Wren doesn't say anything to that, and I'm not sure if I should be happy about it or not.

After about an hour, I decide to just sit on the path, so I can see Tareek, but I don't have to walk with him.

He's still fawning over the stroller, and he already walked from one end of the path to the other, more times than I dare to count.

When Logan finally starts to cry, he decides to take him back, and I happily go inside of the house with him.

I just hope that he won't want to spend that whole day tomorrow outside.

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