Chapter 18

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Devonte's POV

Tareek looks a lot better now, but I know that his foot will heal for the next few weeks.

So, I walk towards him, and I pick him up, before I walk back to our house.

"Do you want me to stay at your house?" Wren asked me, before I can walk out of the pack hospital.

I consider it for a while, before I nod in agreement.

I guess that Tareek will need a bit more help, and I'm not sure if I will be in the mood to help him this much, so some more help will be nice.

When we reach the house, I put Tareek on my bed, and I show Wren which room he can stay in.

When I walk back inside of my room, I can see that Tareek is trying to fall asleep, but I quickly stop him from doing that.

"You have to eat." I say, because I know that he didn't eat anything since the morning, and I know that it's not good for the kid.

He groans slightly, but he nods anyway, and he agrees to wait here while I will bring the food.

I really hate that I will have to allow him to eat in the bedroom, because I hate when people do that, but I guess that it's better than having to bring him here again.

I take the salad that was prepared for him, and I give it to him.

He looks like he wants to tell me to bring him something else, but he decides to not do it, and he eats it with a disgusted expression.

I guess that I found a way I punish him, without actually having to punish him.

I will have to make sure that he will get a salad for dinner as often as possible.

When he's done, I allow him to take a nap, while I go to the living room.

I turn the TV on, and I wonder what I should do about this situation.

I guess that I shouldn't allow Finley to come here for now, since Tareek can't train anymore, and it seems that he doesn't like him at all for some reason.

Or maybe he's just scared of him, because Finely looks mean.

It will most likely be a good decision to just leave Tareek with Wren if I can.

But I know that I will need him to help me sometimes, and I don't trust anyone else to take care of my mate.

I sigh in annoyance, before I decide to watch some football.

Wren joins me not much later, but we don't say much, and he seems to get bored of the game quickly.

So, he leaves the house to go to the pack house, saying that he has to take some things from his apartment.

When he comes back, he has a few guards with him, and all of them are carrying boxes, so I guess that he's really planning to stay here for long.

I help him unpack, before I go back to my mate, and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep next to him.

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