Chapter 17

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Devonte's POV

Wren and I walk towards the place that the boy who called me mentioned.

I can see that he's standing near a very small cave, and I wonder if Tareek managed to fit there.

It looks to be a bit too small for him, but I guess that it's still possible for him to be there.

The boy smiles slightly when he sees us, and he gestures to the cave.

"You can go now." I say, and the boy nods, before he walks away.

I look inside of the cave, and I can see that Tareek is sitting at the end of it.

He's a bit too far for me to be able to grip him, so I guess that I will have to convince him to get out of there.

"Come here." I tell him.

"No." He says, and I roll my eyes.

I really wish that I could just use my Alpha voice on him to make him do what I want him to do.

But I'm pretty sure that even if I could, then I wouldn't do that when he's pregnant, because I don't know if that would have an effect on the kid.

"There's a spider." I say, and I point at the wall behind him.

"A big one?" He asks me, and I nod.

"It's big, and it has a lot of hair in its legs." I lie.

There is a spider which is going towards Tareek, but it definitely doesn't match my description.

He shouts, and he quickly runs out of the cave which makes me chuckle, but I quickly stop when I can see that he's falling to the ground.

I try to catch him, but I don't manage to do that quickly enough, and he falls to the ground.

He almost manages to land on his feet, but one of his foot lands incorrectly, and I almost groan when I hear the sound of a breaking bone.

Tareek shouts in pain, and I quickly pick him up, so he won't have to stand on this leg.

He starts to cry, while I carry him to the pack hospital.

I can hear that Wren is following me, but he doesn't say anything the whole way to the pack house, which I'm grateful for.

"See? I didn't want to punish you for your disobedience for now, but it seems that you punished yourself anyway." I say, and Tareek just hides his face in my shirt.

I shake my head slightly, before I make him lay down on one of the hospital beds.

The doctor comes here quickly, and he makes sure that Tareek's foot will be alright.

I decide to leave the room for now, because I have to tell everyone that I found Tareek already, so they won't keep searching for him.

Wren stays with Tareek while I'm doing that, and I wonder if I should make Tareek stay at the hospital as a punishment.

But I decide against it, and I go back there to get him.

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