Chapter 22

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Devonte's POV

I called a pack meeting, and I can see that almost the whole pack is here now.

I know that some of them already know why they're here, because some of them already saw that Tareek doesn't have a bump anymore.

And this kind of information spreads quickly, so I didn't even want to do this meeting, but Wren convinced me to do it.

I look at the small boy in my arms, and I smile slightly.

He's just a few weeks old, and he still has to stay in the pack hospital, but I guess that he will be able to come back to my house with me soon.

I wondered if I should introduce him to the pack as the next Alpha or not, because I know that he might not get the Alpha position for many reasons.

One of them is that I can already feel that he doesn't have a wolf.

Well, he doesn't have one, or at least I thing that he does, but when I can smell him, I can easily tell that the wolve's scent is very faint.

This doesn't happen a lot, but I already smell something like this over the years.

And I know that he most likely won't be able to have his werewolf instincts, or even shift to his wolf form.

And if that will happen, then there's not way that he will be able to be an Alpha, so I decided that he will be skipped.

I didn't tell my mate about it yet, but I will tell him soon, maybe when Logan will start living with us.

I sigh slight, and I decide that I shouldn't get everyone's hopes up.

I don't want them to put any expectations on Logan, when I know that he won't be able to do the things that will be expected of him.

I step on the stage, and everyone quickly stops talking.

"I called this meeting, because I wanted to introduce all of you to my first kid." I say, and I move the kid slightly, so everyone can see him.

"This is Logan." I tell them, and some of them greet him, while the others just smile at him.

"Well, I would like to tell you that he will be your next Alpha, but I can't do this. At least for now.

That's because, from what I can tell, he doesn't have a wolf, at least not one that he will be able to access.

But if he will be able to access it, and he will be like any of the werewolf, then the position will be his." I tell them.

Some of them look disappointed by what I told them, but I decide to ignore it.

I'm sure that I will have another kid soon, so that won't have to wait long.

I tell them a few more things, before I walk back to my house.

The baby wakes up on our way there, and he starts to cry, but I somehow manage to make him stop, and this makes me smile widely.

I don't expect that the Logan will like me more than he likes Tareek, but is seems that it's the case, at least for now.

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