Chapter 20

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Tareek's POV

A few weeks later, my foot is doing well, and I'm able to walk on it, but my bump have grown a lot, which makes it hard to walk.

It's not as big as it should be at the end of the pregnancy, but it's definitely bigger than it should be now.

I just hope that this kid won't grow too much, because I know that Devonte won't allow that doctor to cut him out of me, if that won't be really necessary.

So, I will have to punch him out of me, and I know that it will be very painful, even if he will be as big as he should be at that time.

And I don't want to imagine how painful it will be if he will be bigger.

Devonte said that he will be a bit bigger than the rest of the kids his age, because he will have Alpha genes.

And since he will be the first born, that means that he will get the most of them.

I didn't know this until recently, but this definitely made me worry more about this pregnancy.

I decide to not think about if for now, because I don't want to worry myself and the kid.

I try to find Wren, who should be somewhere around the house, but my eyes widen when I see that Devonte is here instead.

He looks a bit tired, so I decide to not ask him why he's here, and I sit next to him on the couch, before I try to cuddle him.

I tried to do it a few times before, but he didn't want to cuddle, so I smile widely when he doesn't push me away.

We stay like this, and he watches another football game, while I just cuddle to him with closed eyes.

Devonte moves slightly not much later, and then he grabs one of my hands, which makes me thing that he wants to pull away.

Before I can open my eyes, I can feel that he puts my hand in his pants, and I quickly start to do what he expects from me.

"Sorry." Wren says a while later, and I quickly open my eyes to see that he's standing at the doorway.

Devonte gestures for him to sit on the other side of me, and Wren reluctantly does that.

I keep touching my mate, and it takes only a while for him to finish.

I take my hand out of his pants, and he gestures for me to lay down.

So, I put my head on his lap, and I reluctantly put my legs on Wren's legs, before Devonte takes my pants off.

"Touch him." He tells to his brother, and this makes the both of us look at him with shocked expression.

"What?" Wren asks him.

"Do what I said." Devonte says sternly while he turns to look at the TV.

Wren reluctantly puts his hand around me, and I look at him the whole time, so he does the same.

When I'm done, he puts my pants up, and I sit up, not really getting what just happened.

I'm not sure why Devonte allowed for it to happen, but I don't mind it at all, so I decide to not say anything about it.

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