Chapter 34

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Devonte's POV

After about half an hour, we decide to go back to the house, but before we can even go out of the pack house, Wren's phone starts to ring.

He answers it, and he talks with someone for a while, although he doesn't seem very happy.

"We have to go to the pack hospital." Wren tells me.

"Why?" I ask him worriedly.

"Something happened to Devonte." He tells me, and I quickly walk there, with him following me.

I walk into he pack hospital with Logan in my arms, and I go straight to the room where Devonte's scent comes from.

He's laying on the bed, and he's looking at the wall that's in front of him, with a bored and angry expression on his face.

"What happened?" I ask him, and he turns to look at me.

"I got a headache and I fainted." He tells me, before he extends his hand towards Logan, so I give our son to him.

"Are you alright now? Did you let the doctor see you?" I ask him, and he groans.

"I'm fine, and no, I didn't let him see me, but he did that when I wasn't awake." He tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"That's good." I say, and he decides to not answer.

The doctor comes here, and Wren follows him inside of the room.

"I did a few tests." The doctor says. "And it turned out that Devonte is dehydrated." He says.

"I drank water recently." Devonte tells him.

"Well, it wasn't enough for you. You're a lot bigger than most werewolves, so you have to eat and drink more than them to stay healthy." The doctor says.

Devonte groans loudly, but he nods anyway.

"Can I go now?" He asks, and the doctor wants to argue, but he decides against it.

"Yes, but make sure to drink more." He says.

Devonte sits up, and then he walks straight to the door, most likely wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.

Wren and I look at each other for a while, before he gestures for me to go with him.

I sigh and I do that.

When we reach the house, Devonte is already sitting in the living room with Logan.

I walk to the dining room, and I take a bottle of water, before I give it to Devonte, who takes it with an eye roll.

"How do you want to name out next kid?" I ask him, and he thinks about it for a while.

"Maybe Ezra, or Darrick." He tells me.

"What names do you like?" Wren asks me.

"Sven, Gaston and Castiel." I say.

"I like Sven." Devonte says, and Wren nods.

"Not that bad." Wren says.

"What about you?" I ask him.

"Joey." He says.

"It's a stupid name, Wren." Devonte tells him  so I hit him on the back of his head lightly.

"If that's a stupid name, then I wonder how stupid my name is for you. It's a name of a bird, and I'm a werewolf." Wren says, and I chuckle slightly.

"I like both." I say.

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