Chapter 38

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Tareek's POV

Wren and I are alone again, and I really don't like that now.

It never was an issue, but I'm starting to feel more and more attracted to him every day, and I'm not sure what I should do with that.

I know that Devonte likes to involve Wren in our relationship from time to time.

But I'm not sure if he will be fine with it when I will tell him that I have feelings for Wren.

Wren is currently sitting on the other side of the couch, and I don't think that he knows that I'm staring at him.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask him, before I can stop myself, and my eyes widen right after that.

Wren looks at me with an arched eyebrow and an amused smile, before he nods once.

I move towards him, and I sit on his lap, before I reluctantly kiss him.

He kisses me back, but he pulls away not much later.

"Logan is crying." He tells me, when I look at him with a confused expression.

When I concentrate enough on my surroundings, I can hear that Logan is crying upstairs, so I sigh and I go upstairs to get him.

When I walk back into the living room, I can see that Wren is still sitting where I left him, which makes me think about everything that just happened.

I never really kissed Devonte, because he said that it's not really his thing, although I'm sure that one day I will be able to convince him to do it.

So, this was my first kiss, and it was a lot better than I imagined that it will be.

"Are you going to tell Devonte?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"I won't tell him, if you don't want me to do it, but I don't think that he will mind." He tells me, and I nod reluctantly.

I guess that I should tell my mate that I kissed someone else, but I don't really want to do it.

When Devonte comes back, he doesn't say anything, but I know that he knows that I'm hiding something, so I decide to just tell him.

"I kissed Wren." I tell him, and he smirks.

"Did you like it?" He asks me, and I nod reluctantly, not sure if he's serious or not.

"I did." I tell him.

"That's good." He says, before he puts his arm on my shoulder, and he makes me cuddle him.

"Did you go on a walk with Logan today?" He asks me, and Wren groans, which makes Devonte chuckle.

"I take it as a yes." Devonte says.

"We were outside almost the whole day." Wren says in an annoyed voice, and I look at him with a frown.

"You said that you didn't mind being outside." I remind him, and he looks at me with a stupid smile.

"I guess that I lied a bit." He tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't lie to me." I say, and he just shakes his head.

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