Chapter 49

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Devonte's POV

Tareek is already in the second month of his pregnancy, and I guess that I should start to worry about the kid.

That's because I remember when he was pregnant with Logan, and by he second month his stomach was a lot bigger than it's now.

But I also know that Logan was growing too quickly, and that he was born too early, so I'm not sure if I can compare the two pregnancies.

"We should go to the pack hospital, to see if Darrick is alright, because I think that he should be bigger by now." I say to Tareek, before I can talk myself out of it.

He looks at his bump, and I can see that he was thinking the same thing, so he nods in agreement, before he stands up.

I didn't really mean that we should go right now, but I guess that it's better to get it over with, so I stand up, and I take his hand, before I walk towards the pack house.

The doctor greets us a few seconds after we walk inside of the pack hospital, and Tareek smiles at him, while I tell him why were here.

He does the ultrasound, and he confirms that the kid is doing well, so I smile slightly.

"Then why is he this small?" I ask him curiously. "Is that normal?" I ask.

"Well, it pretty normal for a male pregnancy, but if he won't start growing quickly in the next few days, the you can be sure that you will have an Omega." Doctor Enzo tells me.

I nod slightly, although I'm not sure if I'm happy about it.

I help Tareek put his shirt on, and I take the ultrasound pictures of a small dot that will grow to be a baby.

Tareek seems happy about what the doctor said, and he looks excites to have an Omega, so I guess that I should be happy for him.

After all, I'm the Alpha, and our kids will have the Alpha genes too, which will make them grow a lot, as long as they won't be an Omega.

And my brother has Alpha genes as well, so he almost as big as me.

I guess that if I was Tareek, I would want someone that will be as small as me in the family too.

But I don't want my kid to be weak, although I guess that the there's not much that I can do about it.

So, I will just have to accept him however he will look, and whatever rank he will have.

When we get back to the house, Tareek tells Wren about what we got to know, and it seem that my brother is a bit worried, but he's happy too.

I sit on the couch, and I sniff he air to see where Logan is.

He's up the stairs, and I almost groan when I smell that his wolf keeps fading, like it did for the last few days now.

I already took him to the doctor, but he said that there's nothing that he can do, and that I should hope that my kid won't die if something will happen to his wolf.

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