Chapter 44

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Tareek's POV

"What's wrong?" Wren asks him.

"I'm angry because some random girl came into my office, and then she started to tell me about something stupid, and I had to listen to her for a very long time.

And then she kisses me, which is why I almost killed her, and she's in the pack hospital now.

To make it worse, I lost my phone somewhere, and now I will have to go outside to find it, and I was in a lot of places today." Devonte says.

I look at him with a frown, and then I sigh, before I decide to lay next to Wren.

"Let's go find it then, because I'm sure that you will need it tomorrow, and it's already starting to get dark." Wren tells him, and I groan, but I decide to go with them.

We walk for a very long time, before I finally find the phone near the pack house.

I give it to Devonte, and he thanks me, before we go back to the house.

Well Devonte walks to the house a lot quicker then Wren and me, because he had Logan with him, and he forgot to take his blanket.

"What got into you earlier?" Wren asks me, when he's sure that Devonte won't hear him.

I sight, and I decide to tell him what I saw, and what I thought about it at that moment.

"I'm sure that Devonte wouldn't do anything like this with anyone else.

He might not show it, but he was waiting on you for a lot of years, and he's happy that you're finally with him.

So, I'm sure that he never even thought about cheating on you." Wren tells me, and my eyes widen slightly.

"He never slept with anyone?" I ask him, and I really don't believe that it's the truth.

"No." Wren says, and he sounds honest, so I decide to believe him.

"Why?" I ask him.

"I already told you. He was waiting on you since he met you." He tells me, and I just nod in acknowledgement.

I don't know what to say to that, but I guess that it kind of makes sense.

When we reach the house, I can see that Devonte is already laying on the couch with Logan laying on his chest.

I smile at them slightly, before I decide to lay down on another couch, and Wren does the same on the third one.

We stay silent, before Wren gets enough of it, and he turns the TV on.

Logan starts to cry when he heard that Wren put on a football game, and I chuckle slightly, because I guess that I will start to do the same soon.

That's because Devonte and Wren are watching football games whenever they can, and I can barely stand it.

Wren sighs in annoyance, and he puts some movie on instead.

I'm sure that Logan will be my favourite son, if he will be able to make them stop watch this stupid thing.

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