Chapter 25

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Tareek's POV

"Can I ask you about something?" I ask Devonte, when we walk upstairs in the late evening.

We already put Logan in his crib, that's in his new room, which we made when he was in the pack hospital.

And now we're getting ready to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about one question that I would like to have the answer to.

And I think that Devonte will be able to answer it for me.

"Yes." He tells me.

"Do you know what happened to my parents?" I ask him, and he stops searching for a shirt, before he looks at me.

I don't remember anyone who might have been my parent, and I was living in the pack house with a babysitter since I remember.

So, I assumed that they either died, or they didn't want to raise me, because I'm an Omega.

"They died almost right after you were born." He tells me, before he looks away to keep searching for a shirt that he was looking for, before I interrupted him.

"How did they die?" I ask him curiously.

"In an attack." He tells me.

"A rogue attack?" I ask, and he nods to confirm it.

"Did I have any siblings?" I ask him, and I'm not sure if I hope that he will tell me that I did, or not.

I wanted to have siblings since I can remember, but if I had any, then that most likely means that they were killed too.

"You had a few brothers, but they died with your parents." He tells me, and I nod.

I decide to not ask him any more questions, because I know that he has his limits, and that he will get angry if I will keep asking about it.

When he finally finds the shirt that he was looking for, he puts it on, and then he comes here with me.

We decide that we're too tired to watch a movie, like we do most of the nights.

So, we try to fall asleep, but Logan starts to cry, before either of us can do that.

Devonte sight tiredly, before he sits up, and he goes to get the kid.

I chuckle slightly, and I hope that it will make him reconsider if he actually wants to have a big family, because I really don't think that he knows what he's talking about.

He brings Logan here, and he lets him lay between us, which seems to calm him down a bit.

"I guess that he was scared of the darkness, because I turned the light on, and he stopped crying." Devonte tells me.

I nod in acknowledgement, and I touch Logan's head lightly, hoping that he will fall asleep soon, so we can do the same.

Devonte is actually the first one who manages to do that, and I decide to just leave Logan here, because I'm too tired to carry him back to his room.

And it takes me just a few minutes to fall asleep too.

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