Chapter 40

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Devonte's POV

It takes a few hours for me to get there in my human form, but I manage to reach the pack house, and I take my mate to one of the rooms.

The doctor comes here quickly, and he brings Logan with him, so I take my kid from him, before I let him take a look at Tareek's hand.

Wren comes here not much later, and we stay here for about half an hour while the doctor sets Tareek's arm, and he puts a cast over it.

When Tareek is finally ready to go out of here, I make sure that Logan is allowed to go too, and then all of us go to our house.

I give Logan to Tareek right after he sits on the couch, before I let him cuddle to me.

I gesture for Wren to sit on the other side of Tareek, and he turns the TV on, so we can watch some football, before he puts one of his palms on Tareek's knee.

I take my phone out, and I make sure that someone will come here to put another door in the place of the one that's broken, then I close my eye to rest them for a while.

"That was an eventful day." Tareek says, and I chuckle.

"It was terrible." Wren corrects him.

"It was both." I say, and Tareek nods in agreement.

We stay in the living room until the door is replaced, and then all of us decide to go upstairs, to get some rest.

I try to take Logan from Tareek, so I can put him in his crib, but my mate doesn't allow me to do it.

"I want him to stay with us tonight." Tareek says, and I sigh, but I decide to not argue.

Logan already slept with us a few times, so I guess that I can allow him to do that again.

"You can come too, if you want." I say to Wren, and he chuckles, but he decides to do it anyway.

So, Tareek lays in the middle, while Wren and I lay on his sides, and Logan sleeps between me and my mate.

I don't think that my bed was ever this full of people, but I will have another kid soon, and Tareek's birthday is in a few months.

So, I guess that I should start to get used to it.

I sigh tiredly, before I decide to just go to sleep, because I know that I have a lot to do tomorrow, and I don't want to be tired the whole day.

Thankfully, Logan seems to agree that it's time to sleep, and he doesn't make a big problem out of that.

Which is a rarity, because he tends to be wide awake when Tareek and I want to go to sleep.

So, I close my eyes, and I put my hand on Logan's leg, before I start to fall asleep.

I didn't think that I will be this comfortable with all do them in my bed, but I guess that I was wrong.

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