Chapter 42

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Devonte's POV

"Where are we going?" Tareek asks, when we're about halfway from the pack house.

Wren and I look at each other to see if either of us want to tell him anything, but it seems that the both of us want it to be a surprise, so we just ignore him.

It makes him groan, and he hits me on my back lightly, before he puts a pout on his face, and he looks at me with puppy eyes.

"You will see." I tell him.

When we reach the pack house, I go straight to my car, and I open the doors for Tareek and Wren.

Wren gets in the back sit, while Tareek quickly sits in the passanger's sit.

"Are we going on a car ride?" Tareek asks me excitedly, and I nod.

"We will drive around the city, but I won't be stopping anywhere." I tell him, and he nods.

"That's great anyway." He says.

I will have to take him to the city one day, but I don't want him to get overwhelmed with all of the buildings, or something.

So, I guess that just driving around the city will have to be enough for him now.

I drive for about half an hour, until we reach the city, and then I spend over an hour driving around the whole city, while my mate looks out of the window with his mouth open.

Wren moves a bit, and he puts his finger in Tareek's mouth, which startles Tarrek, and he almost ends up biting Wren's finger off.

"That hurts." Wren says with a whine, but I can hear that he's trying to chuckle too.

I laugh while Tareek quickly apologises, before he goes back to staring out of the window, this time with his mouth closed.

When I park the car back in the pack lands, it's already pretty dark, and I know that we should go back to our house to see if Logan's is alright, since we left him with a babysitter.

But I decide to take Tareek and Wren to the shooting room, so I can teach Tareek how to shoot.

He seems happy about it, but he's also a bit worried, so I decide to help him aim the gun  before I tell him to shoot.

He smiles slightly when he sees that we reached the target, and he tries to shoot again, which actually goes pretty well.

"I guess that I will have to give you a gun, so you can defend yourself if something will happen." I tell him, and he nods.

"Let him practice for now. I don't want him to accidentally hurt anyone." Wren tells me, and I agree, even though this makes Tareek pout.

I watch as he shoots for a while, before I go back to the desk where the guns are laying, and I take one for myself.

We stay here for longer than we should have, but we finally decide to go back to our house when I can see that it's starting to get light.

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