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The emergency alarm had sounded so I met everyone in the flagship's conference room.

Me: So they found the target.

Cuzco: Indeed, it is a fleet of 50 warships which clearly includes Orochi.

Cuzco put Orochi's photo on the tactical table, then using a red thumbtack she pinned it on the map to give the exact position of the objective.

Me: I have already called Dace to come over to start the mission once and for all as soon as it gets dark, how is the monitoring going?

Cuzco: There are no changes in the enemy's course, continue straight towards our base in Pearl Harbor.

Me: Because we have already found the objective we will turn around and now travel parallel to the enemy fleet, within 3 hours the enemy fleet will have advanced 500 km to the east, so our interception of the enemy fleet will be here using the Dace submarine. Do you think she can stay submerged until that moment?

Edinburg: That will be impossible, not even U-Boats have the capacity to perform such a feat, to travel 280 km submerged and at maximum power, their batteries will run out before 50 km.

Me: And what if she can use her diesel engines?

Sheffy: Don't be stupid, the engine will not have oxygen to run, it is a basic principle and even if oxygen could be taken from the crew cabin, the oxygen in the cabin would run out in a flash and we would suffocate. It is silly.

Me: Hey Sheffy, do you know what a Snorkel is?

Sheffy: What?

Dace: (Opening the door) I'm here. What's happening? Why the hasty call?

Me: Dace, let's modify your ship right now.

Dace: What? As? You should have done it before leaving the port, it is impossible here.

Me: Don't worry, it's just a very simple attachment to equip, don't worry.


Later in the night the Dace modifications were complete, only the intake system pipe of Dace's diesel engine had been lengthened so that it could navigate using its diesel engine submerged 20 meters under water, the pipe is extensible and gradually became extends while the submarine submerges, unfortunately this task is manual and Dace herself must do it, at the tip of the intake system it has a dolphin fin tip so that in an unfortunate case it is seen by the enemy, they think it is an animal and not a supposed periscope of a submarine, it was additionally loaded with sonic torpedoes, which are defensive weapons that emit an explosion of sounds underwater, shaking the sea and obstructing enemy sonars, it was generally intended for escape after the mission to incapacitate to the enemy.

Sheffy: Hey Grau, you really surprise me, I didn't expect that you could make a submarine able to navigate underwater with its diesel engine.

Me: It can only be done when the water is calm like today, but yes, it is an advantage. (Actually this tactic was used by the US Navy at the end of World War II and during the Cold War)

Me: Well, it's time to start the espionage mission and incapacitate the enemy.

Sheffy: Got it.

Edinburgh: Yes.

Me: Good luck Eddy.

Edinburgh: Urusaiwa!

Then the spy girls and Dace enter the submarine and then the submarine begins to separate from my ship to begin its mission.

Me: May the force be with you.


Everyone on the submarine was tense, the mission led by Sheffy and followed by Edinburg, Dido, Sirius and Neptune, and the escape pilot Dace. The 6 of them embark on a mission that is literally suicidal, but if they do not complete this mission the world will be in serious danger. During the trip underwater no one said a single word, only the sound of the submarine's diesel engine could be heard.

As time passed Dace who was in the sonar seat listening to the external noises, she detected something with her passive sonar, they are several large metal objects and there is a massive object in front of them, she makes a sign with her fingers and the British spies understand what is happening, they reached their objective.

At that point, it was heard that the diesel engine revs to become more stealthy when the enemy sounds, everyone was sweating cold and prayed to their gods in which they believe so that the enemy would not catch them, since, if that is the case , Dace would first have to surface in order to fold the engine intake system and then submerge to switch to the electric motor for combat maneuvering as the snorkel could reveal his position.

Fortunately for everyone, they were not found since the entire fleet was sailing at high speeds and their propellers made a lot of noise and that prevented them from hearing the echo of a submarine that was sailing with a combustion engine. Because Dace was sailing on an interception course, she was able to shorten distance, otherwise, it would be impossible since the fleet sailed faster than a submarine.

Dace: We'll be arriving in 5 minutes.

The girls nod and prepare to emerge, the girls move towards the hatch leading to the tower and wait for Dace's signal, then she gives them the green light and they open the hatch, as soon as they opened it they saw the Orochi colossus passing by. her port side, the Maids quickly grabbed ropes with hooks and threw it towards the enemy's starboard rail and then began to climb, then Dace closes the hatch and summons her rigging, she also begins to climb towards the rail, the reason why She also boarded the enemy ship because the enemy ship is several times faster than her so she would be left far behind at the time of extracting her allies.

Sheffy: Okay, Dace, you stay here and we'll take care of the rest.

Dace: Got it.

Sheffy: One more thing, don't make yourself seen for the world, hide behind those anti-aircraft guns.

Dace: Got it.

Sheffy: Okay, let's go.

The girls nodded at the order, the first phase of the plan was already complete, now they waited for the second and third phase.

The first phase consisted of infiltrating the spies into Orochi, the second phase was to plant the bombs and the third phase was to attack Orochi and camouflage the bomb tactics with submarine attacks and bomber planes.

At the moment the plan is going well.

TO BE CONTINUE....................................

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