The Al'Háven Way : Part 14

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When eclipse approaches, the Sully girls head through the village to the beach for the ceremony. The boys, and many others from the village are already there. Kiri has released Kalí­n's hair from the bind she always wears, and decided the wild curls needed to be shown. Her top is decorated with sparkling beads, as is the skirt she's wearing.

After going through the tunnel, they see everyone out on the beach, circling a large fire. The instrumentalists and vocalists are near the center on the side waiting. While Kiri and her sister go to sit with their brothers, at the front of the crowd, Kalí­n goes down a path left for her to get to the center.

She earns a few cheers with her arrival, and sees the Olo'eyktan and Tsahí­k sitting in the front of the crowd.

In the center by himself, where he was instructed to be, Jake sits facing the fire, but has his eyes on her, watching with a smile as she approaches with grace.

She goes to stand between the decent space between him and the pit, briefly smiling down at him, then she stands in a starting pose. With an arm held daintily to the side, a hand on her hip, and one leg bent and propped up on her toes, she waits. The crowd quiets down as the instrumentalists prepare to start the music.

The drums start, and a moment after, she raises both arms in the air slowly, then lowers them while lifting her propped leg. She straightens it, pointing her foot, holding her leg halfway up and squatting a bit with excellent balance. One arm glides in front of her with a twisting wrist motion, then returns to its previous place as she stands straight. She runs her pointed foot along the sand, kicking some back, twice.

She lifts her pointed foot high above her head, waving it to a spot in the sand on the other side of her, twisting and making the beads of her skirt shake. With a step of the leg positioned in back, she lifts the one in front up, kicking a bit of sand lightly. She repeats the action a few times, moving her arms gracefully in the way she practiced, while beginning to roll her stomach along with the rhythm. She moves with this same motion, spinning slowly until she has her back facing him, pausing for a moment.

She repositions herself, placing one foot in front of the other, and suddenly, her arms are thrown out to the sides as the music finds a faster pace. Her hips begin to move in a circular motion, on a four count, before she snaps her arms up above her head, repeating the same lower body motion on a four count. Then she connects her hands, as if she's spinning herself, turns and is facing him as she goes into another set of moves.

Jake glances at Tonowari, on the other side of the pit, with pure shock on his face. The man laughs at him. He's having the same reaction he did when Ronal did this dance for him. There's something about seeing such refined women suddenly moving as if they're temptation themselves.

He watches as his dainty mate squats with one leg off to the side and shimmies towards him with a cute smile. Then she quickly stands, bringing her leg in and beginning to twirl around him. She goes around twice, then stops in front of him sharply twisting the side of her hip in his direction.

As she begins what looks like a complicated foot routine, she moves towards him. Placing a foot forwards and stepping in place before bringing the other one forward in a quick motion, making it look much more complicated than it really is. And moving her arms through a routine all on their own simultaneously. The motions make her curly hair sway behind her.

She finds herself so close to him if she took another step forward she'd be in his lap. As she looks down at him with the most serious face he's ever seen on her, she begins lifting her hips and dropping them along with the rhythm of the instruments, then goes from a circular motion and into a belly roll.

He watches with much enjoyment, but starts to wonder if he should've let his kids come to this ceremony, seeing her provoke his body this way.

With a step backward, and a bow, the music comes to a stop, showing that her dance has ended. The crowd roars with applause and cheers, and she smiles, then everyone looks to Jake, awaiting his reaction. The man sits frozen as he stares up at Kalí­n.

Kalí­n- Jake? What did you think?

He searches for his voice for a moment, then speaks in all seriousness.

Jake- I think I need some cold water.

Tonowari, and many others laugh at his honest reaction. When Jake finally stands from his spot, a smirk growing on his face, Kalí­n hugs him tightly.

Jake- You neglected to tell me about this skill.

Kalí­n- Anyone can do this dance.

Jake- Not like that they can't.

She looks up at him with a giggle.

Kalí­n- You're just saying that.

Jake- Like hell I am.

He suddenly lifts her up by her thighs, and kisses her passionately as she rests her arms on his shoulders, completely forgetting where he is. Coos and cheers come from the crowd, bringing him back to reality, but he still holds his mate, not wanting to put her down.

He briefly glances at his kids giggling at his behavior, and decides he wants some alone time with this beautiful woman he still has yet to fill with pleasure.

Jake- Okay, show's over.

He quickly carries her away from the crowd after hearing them laugh at his announcement. He speaks lowly to her as they leave the others behind.

Jake- Time for a little private encore. 

She giggles as he kisses her cheek lovingly then proceeds to look for a private area where they won't be bothered.

This home has provided a safe place where they can finally move on from the tragedies and destruction their enemies caused them. Where they can find new purposes, and start new lives knowing they're truly safe. And where they can experience both the pleasures and pains of a war free life.

This is the worryless way they've wanted to live.

This is the way Eywa has granted them.

This is the Al'Háven way.

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