Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I awoke to the sound of whining from a horse. I blinked. The sunlight was shining bright and making the whole area hot. I followed my eyes toward the sound to find a beautiful black horse that reminded me of 'Black Beauty'.

The horse had these beautiful pale blue eyes that went well with is black hair. I grabbed my backpack and hopped down from the tree. I walked toward the creature and it stretched out these huge black wings.

"Whoa." I said in amazement. I've seen them before. It was a Pegasus with the name tag 'Maximus' "Maximus? That's a wonderful name." "Hope you like it. My owner seems to like it as well."

"Who is your owner?" I said petting Maximus's flank. "He's right behind you."

I turned around to see a very attractive boy. His dark brown hair had a skater boy look. He hair was flip able by the looks of it. His eyes were a hazel green color. He was wearing tan cargo shorts and a green shirt. With black and red Jordan's. I'm not the type of girl who falls in love with a cute,no,handsome face. But this boy was very attractive.

"Like what you see?"

The boy said smugly.I blinked bringing my self back to earth. "Sorry." I said blushing. He smirked,"It's fine. I'm Eric James. You are?"

Eric stuck out a hand. "Allie Brooks."

We shook hands and he looked me up and down. "You ran away from something. Didn't you?"

I caught my breath,"Yeah and swam across the Panama Canal."

Eric raised an eyebrow and whistled,"You trying out for the Olympics or what?" "No. I'm the daughter of Poseidon. You?" "Apollo. Wow never thought Poseidon's daughter would end up in Brazil by her self." "And what is that suppose to mean?" "Nothing! But usually his children get here by him,not on their own." I gave him a offensive look,"So. What do you do when you or someone finds demigods?"

"I take them to camp. Yeah I know kinda like a satyr but I'm the leader and I have to interview them or the one as your self." I grabbed my backpack strap and let his words sink in. His voice was smooth and silky. I got a hint of a French accent in his voice. "Go ahead. Ask away." "Where did you swim and or ran away from?"

"Beverly Hills,California." Eric whistled,"Why run away from that style of living?" "Because.....I'm in foster care and I over heard my foster parents say they where going to give me back and I couldn't handle being rejected I ran away." "So you ran away because you don't like the feeling of being un-wanted?" He read me like a book. He must have had a past like mine."How do you know about that feeling?" "Whoop there it is!" Maximus said only to me since only I could hear him. "Because I was 8 when my mom died and my dad didn't know what to do with me so I lived with my aunt till I was old enough to go to camp.

She didn't like me so she just put me in the dark when her friends came over." That's a sad story but it still isn't no where near as mine. I looked at the ground for a while and felt like crying again. "Hey, You okay? You seem like you're someplace else." I wasn't about to have anyone see me cry so I blinked them away and looked up.

Eric walked closer to me and took my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach which was weird. "You're a fairy."He said now walking beside me. "Yeah. How'd you get that just from holding my hand?" "Easy. As soon as I took your hand I felt your fairy side going insane with my touch." I blushed,"Well what are you?" I said removing my hand from his grasp.

"I am a fire breathing dragon." I nodded and walked a little faster. "Oh! I have just a few more questions for you." "What?" "How old are you?" "12. You?" "13. Okay. Who where your old foster care parents?" I took a deep breath,"Brittany and Michael Bedfort." Eric went silent for a while. "Did they have a son by the name of Alex?"

"Yeah. He's a year older than me and he even liked having me in the house." Eric nodded. "Have any pets?" "No. You?" "Yeah. I call him Bolt. He's an actual flying lizard that spits acid,razor sharp teeth,and has an appetite for metal." "That is some lizard you got." He smiled reveling Prince Charming teeth,"Yeah. Oh here he is."

A lizard flew down from a tree and landed in Eric's hair. He had tan and black scales. The black scales made lighting bolts on his back. Probably where he got his name. "Wow! Who is this fine creature?!" I blushed at his comment,"Im Allie." He whistled,"A pale green eyed girl with blonde hair. Poseidon?" "Yeah." Eric said giving me a quick look. Bolt flew from Eric's head onto the ground and turned human. His black hair was slicked back and his brown eyes seemed to have a mobster look to them. But he wore the same thing as Eric but with regular shorts. He was older though. Around 20,25.

"Yep. That's my pet Bolt." Eric said stopping and crossing his arms. "Pet? I prefer role model, protector,-" "Party animal always getting in a scrap." Eric said with a smug look on his face. Bolt laughed,"Hey at least that got me girlfriends while you're still single." Eric blushed softly. I found it incredibly cute and a twinge of attraction started to form.

"Whatever Bolt. Im still the leader of camp and like I tell you many times,no flirting with the women there.Come on Allie lets get you to camp." Eric whistled and Maximus flew to the ground. Eric mounted on and stretched out his hand. I grabbed it and sat behind him. "Hold on tightly." He said as Maximus soared from the ground.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head on his shoulder. "I take it you've never been on a Pegasus huh?" He said turning his head a little bit. I laughed,"Yeah. New experience." He chuckled, "Camp Amoren here we come!" He yelled in excitement.

Immortal Creatures and Demigodsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن