Chapter 11

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I stood outside the girls bathroom waiting for Allie and Alice to reappear. Everybody had a hour left of free time till their next class,so I was hoping they would finish before it was over. Alice kept complaining about the whole thing while Allie kept quiet so she wouldn't get in more trouble. "You started this. Now I'll have to make your camp life miserable."

Alice said. I got ready to make a tougher punishment for her,but Allie spoke,"I can never be miserable here while you try with your very little powers."

"I'll have you know I'm a gryphon. Strong enough to tear you apart."

"And I'm a fairy. Strong enough to bury you in the ground or anything that is nature."

Alice was quite after that. They walked out and Alice stormed away.

"My first day and I already have a mark on my record. Isn't that some type of record here?" Allie asked as we started walking away from the bathroom.

"No.",I said slowly,"Just try staying away from Alice so she doesn't get you in trouble again."

"But I don't see as to why I got in trouble to."

She looked at me as she spoke. "Well if I gave Alice the punishment alone it would look like I believed your story since you're new. And I didn't want the drama that would happen afterwards. Think about."

Allie did and a little smile appeared on her face,"Okay I see where that is true. So what do you wanna do?"

She asked. I thought about that. "Wanna go zip lining?" I asked and turned toward the road that lead to the zip line tower. Allie nodded. We walked talking non-stop about camp and other random stuff.

Once we got there I let Allie go first and followed after. Once up there two other people jumped off making the tower shake. Allie grabbed my arm till it stopped. "First time on a zip line?" "Sad isn't it?"

She asked. I chuckled,"Not really. Are you scared?"

"Just heights." She said.

"Hey Mark. Is it okay if we go together?" "Course! See here..." He went on and on till he strapped us both in. "We're going together so there's nothing to worry about."

She was shaking a little,but nodded. "3...2...1,Go!" Mark said. I jumped and Allie followed.

"See not so bad now is it?"

"Shut up!" She said laughing. We passed through the forest part of camp and had a parrot land on my helmet. Allie laughed,"Um you got a parrot on your head."

I smiled. The parrot stayed till we got off on the other end. Allie sighed,"Well that was fun just for my first time."

"I expected you to scream like crazy. You proved me wrong." Allie smiled. I like her smile because she had little dimples that showed. We walked back to camp and a camper passed us said,"Go out with her already!"

Allie blushed and I started to. (Just a little!) Once we where in camp we had exactly five minutes to our next class,or activity. "Where do you go next?" I asked.

"Pottery and poetry with Mr.Syks."

"Strangely me too."

She grinned,"I guess we should get used to seeing each other every where huh?"

I smiled and nodded. We walked together to Mr.Syks class with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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