Chapter 53

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Allie,me,dad,and Tiffany walked into a room that I've never been in. Cles came as well so he could hold me down.

"So Cles and Allie what sports do you play?" dad asked as he pulled out a chair.

"I play soccer." Allie said opening the book to a certain page.

"Baseball." Cles said.

"I thought you ran track?" Allie asked.

"I do for exercise. Baseball is my true sport." Cles said sitting down in front of me.

"Why do you need exercise? You're healthy enough." Allie said once she got to the page she was looking for.

In the room was a bed that was big enough for one person. In two different corners of the room were bookshelf's and end tables. The chair my dad had brought up was a puke green color and was made for a king. He gestured for me to sit and when I did it engulfed me.

"Uh what exactly are you doing to get rid of my schizophrenia?" I said feeling reluctant.

"Well Cles might hold down your feet and legs,Tiffany and Bryan might hold down your arms. While I will put two fingers on your temples on each side of your head,say the spell,but the thing is we'll hear and see what's going on in your mind till it's over. And what you're seeing and hearing will appear and it will look grey to us but in full color to you. So try not thinking about weird or bad things." Allie said.

"Please that's difficult. I control everything in his mind so I'll go easy on these soft hearted creatures." My mind thought.

I looked at them and Cles pouted,"I am no soft hearted creature. Besides being a paranoid schizo do you have multiple personalizes?" I shook my head no and felt mortified

"Silly normos. Normos are those who don't have schizophrenia. Anyways this exorcism if you will, won't work. High class fairies can get rid of me. Prepare to fail daughter of Poseidon." I said.

I hated how this happened. And I had no control of it. It wasn't my voice because it sounded deeper,ruder,bitter. "Let's get this over with." normal me said.

Allie put her two fingers on either side of my head. "Don't grab him till he starts jerking really bad." Allie said.

She started reciting the spell," Ha! You think that's going to work? You weak fairy. Maybe I should stick around and make fun of you people" Allie kept talking and then my head started to hurt badly.

I started to see shapes,figures. I clenched my fist and suddenly felt like punching someone.

My head throbbed even more as Allie went on. "Oh so you wanna play hard ball huh? Well how's this for a thought!" Out of nowhere I started kicking my feet in a hard manner.

Everyone else grabbed a limb of mine and held tight. The shapes and figures I saw now came in color. And it wasn't good. My mind was letting me see me going completely nuts and beating everyone sense less and continuing throughout the castle.

I closed my eyes,"See that? Can you normos handle such a thing? Alexandria how about you stop before you kill him." Allie slowed down a little and I felt her hands move lightly,"No," I said realizing I was gasping for air,"Don't stop. It wants you to think that. Keep going." Allie obeyed and my jerks began.

I was screaming,yelling,cursing and creating horrible things in my mind which they saw and heard.

"Stop! You won't win! Arg! Kill them all Eric! I know you have the strength too. Cles isn't strong enough to hold you down and neither are the rest of them. You can do it. Just open your eyes and go!"

My eyes flung open and I was wiggling my arms and legs away from them. Instead of two fingers Allie put both hands on my head and held tight.

"Close your eyes." she told me telepathically.

I did but it still didn't stop my fits. "No! You obey me not her! Your mother gave you this curse and only she can get rid of it! Ha I win you lose!"

I bursted into flames and heard all of them yell,"Eric stop! Fight back don't let something you can't see beat you!" dad said.

I looked at him and for once saw how scared he was of me. He never looked scared at anyone. I let the flames die and everyone grabbed back on to me.

"Why won't you kill them! It was so easy you could have burned them alive! But no you had to listen to your daddy who won't ever be there for you or support your ideas. Mikayla and Lonnie don't know a thing about your schizophrenia...but maybe now!" I started screaming for them.

Something cold ran down my back. I realized it was sweat. My breathing sounded more forced than before. My shaking increased and so did the death threats.

"I want him gone already!" I thought.

Bad choice,"You want me gone? I was your only friend before you met all your other friends! I was the one who was there for you when Bolt couldn't or understand what was wrong with you! I made you who-"

"You'd be the person to turn me into a monster. Get out."

"Never!" The fighting didn't stop.

I heard a crack but I was too scared to see what it was. I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I would see awful things and the horrified looks on their faces. Allie's voice disappeared.

So did the feeling of Cles and my parents holding me down. My breathing slowed and I heard,"No! Impossible you won fairy! No!"

A loud growled filled the room and my head felt like it had just exploded into a million pieces. I opened my eyes just to see more darkness.

Tired and out of breath my breathing went shallow and I was pretty sure I was dying.

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