Chapter 16

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[Eric James' POV]

My heart sank as Allie fell through the ground. "It's too narrow! I can't get through it!" Maximus said. A scream came from the ground and lose water came shooting up,but no Allie. Once the water was down,me and Cles looked over to see Allie holding on to a ledge big enough for her elbows.

She didn't look down,she was trying to pull herself up and failed numerous times. Me and Cles let out wings come out. My wings were a dark blood red and I was able to get to Allie. Cles' were a dirt beige with light green here and there. I dove down and flew toward Allie.

She slipped and fell down further. It was getting more narrow and I had to free fall to get her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. Just as I did we landed on a ledge big enough for the both of us and I landed hard on my ankles and fell.

I groaned and stood with Allie still really close to me. Her head was over my shoulder and her arms were around my upper torso. Her breathing had soften a little. I fell on my back again while a twinge of pain shot up my leg. Allie got up and looked at me in amazement. "You okay?" I asked and sat up. "I fell in scarier places. I fell off of Niagara Falls before I was claimed." Now I looked at her in amazement,"Now that is cool." She smiled,"Is your ankle hurt?" She looked at my ankle and started muttering something.

I laid down and let her fix my ankle. "There. All better." I stood and it was like it was never hurt. "Thanks Brainy. Come on let's go." I said and let my wings come out. Allie walked over to me and kissed my cheek,"Ready?" She asked and put her arms around my shoulder.

My cheeks were on fire,I made it stop as we started to fly. We made it up and found Maximus and Cles freaking out till I made Allie let go and crawl out. She turned back and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Thank the gods! I thought I lost you two!" Cles said and hugged us both.

"Nice to see you again Cles." I said. Maximus bent his head around my shoulder and did the same to Allie. "Well now that that's done. Who's ready to go to Rio?" Max asked. We nodded and jumped over the crack and walked away. "Wait. This doesn't normally happen to mortals,so we have to close it up." Allie said. "How?" We all asked. Allie's hand started to glow and she held it over the ground. She weaved the ground together and it looked like it was never cracked nor was it bothered.

"You're freaking awesome Allie Brooks." We said in union. She smiled,"I know I am." And we continued walking the way to Rio.

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