Chapter 38

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[Allie Brooks' POV]

Seeing Amanda was like seeing a full length 3D mirror. She looked so much like me I thought I was looking at a mirror for a second. Amanda smiled,a lot like mine,"Allie...I'm so glad to finally see you!" Amanda was crying and she pulled into a hug.

I hugged her back. It felt good to know I had a sister. But also knowing she lived with my,our,mother and I was in a dumb girls home.

"Mom said you've been with dad. How are you and him?" Amanda asked

totally unaware where I've really been.

I sighed as I explained to her this whole sad truth. When I was done Amanda had stopped crying,now her fist were clenched and her friends had left with their parents I guess.

"I can't believe she would lie to me like long Allie?" Amanda said and I could here the sympathy in her voice.

"Two months before my first birthday." I said weakly.

"Amanda do you know what your mom even does?"Eric said trying to ease the tension.

Amanda's eyes widen,"How do you know?" She whispered.

"Poseidon." Eric and Cles said in hushed voices.

"Come on we gotta get home." Amanda said putting on her jacket.

We followed her pass Mr. Margo's store,and a few other buildings.

"I go to that school. Dangborg middle." Amanda said.

We could barely see it,but I took her word for it. We finally got to her house to hear,"Amanda did you get what I asked for?"

A woman's voice came out from the kitchen. "Yeah mom." Amanda said as if we weren't there. "Gods Allie I didn't mean-" "It's fine." I mouthed.

Because,to be honest,I wasn't ready to see the woman who gave up on me and not my twin sister. "Great now can-" Mom walked into the room and froze. Mom looked a lot like Poseidon explained. Gold blonde hair,baby blue eyes,sun kissed skin,and breath taking beauty.

Mom dropped her dish rag and bit her lip. I grabbed Amanda's hand,my heart was beating rapidly I thought it was going to come out my chest.

"Ok this is awkward. Look Mrs. Brooks I'm Eric James this here is Cles Mason. And Allie's right there." Eric said as him and Cles walked out of the room.

Mom put a hand over her mouth,"Alexandria...I..." She stopped there and wrapped me in her arms.

She cried on my shoulder,"Alexandria I'm so sorry. I didn't have a choice and then Amanda came and I hid her I couldn't with you because she saw you...Allie please forgive me." Mom said all in one breath. She let me go and wiped her tears. For the first time,I was lost of words.

Then anger filled me,"Why! If you cared for me I would be with you! Not home after home,family after family! If you really care and love me like you said you do I would have been with you!"

I yelled while tears ran down my face. "Alexandria I know you're mad but please listen. I couldn't leave,I couldn't come and get you I-"

"Well you could have done the one thing you know how to do best which I leave and never come back!" I spat at her and walked into the same room Eric and Cles where in.

I grabbed their wrist and pulled them to another room,"Guys lets get the ring and get out of here." I said sharply.

"So you just gonna give up on something you've been waiting for for 12 years?" Cles asked eyeing the other room.

"Ye.." I started but got choked up and I really couldn't answer that question.

"Listen to what she has to say then make up your mind. Then we'll get the ring a leave. Okay?" Eric said rubbing his bad wrist.

I hadn't noticed that I grabbed that one. I took a shaky breath and dried my eyes,"Okay." I said as we walked back to the other room where my mother was standing I see her holding a picture and crying.

I clenched my fist. This wasn't fair! Mom was now being remorseful and I learned to get ride of whatever felling's so I wouldn't get hurt and she expects me forgive that easily? Uh no way! "Mom?" I said easing up a bit.

Mom looked up at us,"Allie come here. If you boys are hungry just help yourself in the kitchen." Mom said holding out her hand.

Eric gently pushed me and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my moms hand and walked into a room where my dad stood. Without thinking I let go of mom's hand and ran into my dad. We embraced and he stroked my ponytail,"Allie I see you've found your mom."

I nodded and felt him sit down on a chair. I sat beside Amanda and our mom. "I think you girls deserve an explanation." Mom showed us a picture of both me and Amanda standing side by side.

The photo was obviously cropped together because it showed a five year old me in a party hat in the foster home. "A cropped photo of us?" Me and Amanda said at the same time.

"Yes,but this is your first milestone photo. I asked the home send me pictures. I have a photo album of you Allie." Mom said as she handed me a photo book. I opened it and saw pictures that were taken in at the girls home,up to how old I am now.

I blinked back tears,"How come when I asked about you they said that you dropped me off and ran?" I asked handing back the book.

"Allie how was I supposed to tell them that I did adult escorts at the age of sixteen?" "What I thought you did prostituion?" I said. "No. The only men I've slept with was both your fathers. I only do small things that don't involve that stuff." Mom said putting the book on the shelf.

"But...then why couldn't you come get me?" I asked realizing that my voice was stronger and I wasn't crying or angry anymore.

"Allie I have an actual job,I work at Mr. Margo's store,and I couldn't leave because at the time Amanda was two and I didn't have a babysitter and couldn't afford one. Your dads were out the question because both are busy. But other than that I would have gotten you when you were two and give you the beginning of your life you deserved. Allie I'm so sorry. My adult escort is behind me,Mr. Margo was kind enough to give me the job and not judge me. Allie can you forgive me?" Mom said squatting in front of me and holding my hands.

Years of not knowing her,or anyone in my family,came to this decision. I smiled,"Yeah mom." I said and wrapped her in a tight hug.

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