Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

My mind was racing. One of my campers just went unconscious due to an evil man by the name of Centurion. The girls ran for the nurse as did Alex. Me and Cles stayed with Allie. We sat her up and tried to get her to regain conscious. It worked surprisingly,we managed to get her conscious. The nurse came flying in along with the doctor with a few more nurses.

"What happened?!" The doctor yelled. We explained that she wasn't feeling well and went unconscious. "You two did a good job getting her conscious,but if her pupils aren't correct or her other functions don't work,then we have to rush her to the hospital." That scared me half to death. This shouldn't have happened. I let my mind go inside of Allies.

'Please be okay.' Was all that I could say. 'Eric I'm fine.' She said. My heart stopped then began again. 'You okay?!' 'Yeah. Just calm down and talk to me physicaly.' The doctor was talking and the nurses were as well. They grabbed a small flash light and waved it in her eyes. She was okay because her pupils responded like they should. They tested every thing else and that was normal. "Okay. Miss Brooks can you hear me?" The doctor said with desperation in his voice. A small "yes." escaped Allies lips. They carried her to her bed and laid her down. I saw a crowd forming out side. I walked out to them and told them she was okay and continue. I walked back in to see Centurion standing beside Allie. She was holding her breath and backing away from the bed.

Cles grabbed his sword and was in a fighting stance. My bow and arrows where in my cabin and I felt helpless. "Leave." He said with a voice of ice. The doctor and nurses left with out a word. He turned his attention toward Allie. "Allie,Allie,Allie. You know fighting me is pointless. Just join me and I'll leave you alone and give you peace. Isn't that what you want?" She splashed him with a water ball and stood closer to him. Cles gave me a 'did you see that look'. Centurion growled,"How dare you! I should kill you for that!" He stood and rushed at Allie. Me and Cles started to run toward him but we stopped. He was using his magic to stop us. "Allie be wise. Join me,or watch your friends die." He clenched his fist and me and Cles fell to the ground,mouth open,eyes wide.

"Allie you have ten seconds." Allie walked toward him. She stopped a few feet from his face. "Have you made your mind up?" He turned us so we could see them. She nodded,"I think you're going to love it." She then talked in a fairy language. "Stop it! I said stop it!" But Allie talked and talked,till he let us go and grabbed his head. Allie did the same but she stopped while he was trying to let go with all his might. Allie finished and stood over Centurion who was in a weird position on the floor. Allie bent down and said something in his ear that made him freeze.

"Not fun on the other end huh Centurion?" Allie said helping me and Cles to our feet. He growled and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Now that was a different Allie Brooks." I said in amazement. "Let's keep it that way. Because you showed you can be a bad ass." Cles said. "What did you say anyway?" I asked, "I regain control of my mind and he can't get back into it if he tried." She smiled as the girls and Alex walked in.

The girls ran and hugged her which shocked Allie. Like she never had a hug before. Everything was back to normal after a few minutes of awkwardness. We ate lunch and a bunch of people came up to Allie and was asking if she was okay. The majority was boys. For some odd reason I felt like I let Allie down. For now on,I was going to be Allies' backup man.

Immortal Creatures and DemigodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora