Chapter 30

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[Cles Masons' POV]

Eric must've had a vision because he went back to demigod form and we all started free falling. I whistled for Maximus who caught Allie and all of our stuff. I turned dragon and caught Eric who was now shaking,eyes still white.

When I caught him Max flew beside me,"Why are his hands glowing?" He asked nervously. I felt heat where Eric was. A real bad burning feeling. I was on fire I think. Eric was done having the vision because he flew off in flames,cursing like a sailor,all in demigod form. "What the heck man!" I yelled.

Allie had two water balls ready to throw,"I can't get a good angle! I'll knock him out of the sky!" Eric came back still in flames. Even his eyes had fire burning in them. I let my wings stay out and changed back to demigod. "Dude what the fudge monkeys?! are you doing this!?" I asked.

Eric exhaled sharply and the flames went out and he was back to whatever his normal is. "Explain this! This is freaking me out!" Max yelled. Eric crossed his arms,"Allie I guess since you're quiet you know what I am." We looked at Allie. "You're the famous fire god." Allie said softly. My eyes widen and my heart dropped.

The one person that's a big deal in the magical world,is my best friend,the guy I find as a brother. "Since birth in both of my lives I could control fire. And that last vision just made me lose it. Now that that secret is out of the you guys know about the kingdom called Oretheon? I'm the prince." I fell out the sky,three feet and came back.

Maximus had a blank look and Allie,she was trying to put pieces together that didn't make sense to her. "Great you broke Allie!" Maximus said. "Guys lets talk about this later. Lets just get to Daneborg before the sun comes up here." Eric said while changing forms. He took back his weapons and bag. He was strangely quiet for the longest of time.

We all were actually. "So...this gift of being a come you're aren't in the magic council?" Allie asked breaking the silence. "Because I'm way too young,I'm part demigod,I'm a prince,and I turned them down because I knew I wasn't ready for that type of responsibility because at the time I was 6." "You turned down the magic council. What type of person turns that down?" "I'm guessing your dad is a member of the council right?" "Yep. Anyways why?" "I was too young. Six years old and I could kiss my childhood goodbye. And in dragon years I was 797. Too young." I finally decide to say something,"So what made you make that decision?" "You were my only friend at the time. Plus my soccer was going on and I would've had to leave Bolt which I wasn't about to do."

I always admired how Eric put his love ones first then himself. "Okay so I'm guessing Andrew found out about the god thing you got on and that's where you got the nickname Flames right?" I asked. "No. I was fast and it gave the impression that smoke was behind me. Andrew's mortal." "Then how come he had the ring?" Allie asked. "When we were eight some one in the crowd threw it in the field and since I thought me and Andrew were going to be friends for a long time I found it and gave it to him and he kept it since." Eric said. Maximus neighed,"What happened tonight that you three aren't telling me?" We landed in Kenya while it was still dark in the brittle grass mostly.

Eric explained the Andrew episode and I tried hard not to laugh again. Maximus sat like a dog and was spinning. "My head hurts! Who would like you like that?!" Maximus said,then regretting saying it. "Crap was that aloud? You can burn me like toast." Eric smirked,"Im not going to burn you. Alice and her little clan likes me." "But...point taken." Maximus said while standing up. Eric put back on his weapons,"So anymore questions before we get back to our quest?" He asked putting on his belt. "Yeah.",Allie said,"How come you aren't a grown man? With your kingdom and life?" Eric looked at her with a look that a grown man would give a person.

"Allie you're a smart girl,I turned down the magic council. Therefore I turned down adulthood. If I accepted the job I would be twenty or so. So thirteen is my actually age." Eric said and walked away. Allie grinned was we walked behind the god. "So why are you hesitant to tell us that your the prince?" I asked.

"I thought that if I told people they would hang out with me for my money and if I get a girlfriend she'd be a gold digger and leave after a certain time. So you two can't tell anybody." "What about Alex?" Allie asked now beside Eric. "He already knows. Hey he's my step-brother I had to tell him." "So you told him before me? That's butt bro." I said while patting his shoulder. "I had to get your trust first."

"Then how come you told Allie and you've known her for seven days!" "I trust her a little more. Since both her dads can smite me down." "But they won't since you're the fire god." Allie said. Eric smiled,"Okay are we done yet? We need to find a plane 'cause flying wont get us there in time."

Eric said as he started walking totally ending the conversation without another word.

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