Chapter 50

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[Allie Brooks' POV]

I punched Cles and looked at a drawing that younger Eric had labeled,"Old Man and Me." On one of Eric's dressers were pictures,but this caught my eye.

In it Eric couldn't have been more than five. Eric had a gap in his smile where his front teeth should have been. He wore jean shorts and wore no shirt. His arms, legs, and torso were covered in red paint.

I smiled at the cute photo. Another showed him with cake all over his face but still took a cute picture. I looked away and saw Cles sitting on the floor playing with race cars and Lego blocks. Worn and torn soccer balls were in a corner and clothes meant for an eight year old were in the closet.

I sat on the foot of Eric's bed and watched Cles play with the toys. Before I knew it I was down there playing along with Cles. "Eric might kill us but oh well. He's taking to long and my attention span isn't that long if you couldn't tell." Cles said finishing a Lego gun.

I smiled and began to play with the cars. It felt good to be a child who could careless and not have what I have on my mind everyday.

Eric came back,"My gods. I was gone for 15 minutes and you two start playing with Legos and Hotwheels."

Cles chuckled,"Hey we got bored and this was the best thing."

Eric smiled and rolled his eyes. He put away his new bow and sat beside Cles. We began to play like we were kids again.

"Hey Allie there's a book on the bookshelf that my dad says there's a book for you. It's on the second shelf." Eric said pointing to a bookshelf.

I stood and walked over to it. I noticed the book right off the bat,"That's Grandmothers spell book. How'd this get here." I said and grabbed it.

A fury leg grabbed the book back and hissed at me. It startled me a little but I went back. As I grabbed it a fury leg came back out and yanked the book and popped out. I jumped back letting a yelp escape my lips.

A hairy tarantula that was the size of me crawled out and hissed at me. Now I'm not a child of Athena,but I'm deathly afraid of spiders. See fairies and spiders never really got along because of the Great Nature war of 1567.

What had happened was the spiders and fairies got along until mortals started killing spiders by the dozens and the spiders claimed that we never protect them and started the feud ever since. I backed up and felt as though my heart was going to blow up like a bomb.

Eric and Cles stood and grabbed their swords.

"Fairy. Finally we meet. You're dead to me and now you will die!"

The spider pounced on me and knocked me down. I yelped and moved every part of me,but it was useless because with eight legs it held me down.

Eric and Cles was about to smite the tarantula but of course the tarantula just had to web them together.

"Little fairy there is nothing to worry about. It will only hurt a little." the spider opened its jaws and it's horrendous breath nearly killed me before it got to bit me.

As it's fury pinchers touched my neck Lonnie walked in and looked mortified,"Mr. Wuggles get off of her and unweb my brother and Cles!" The spider looked up and back to me.

He growled,"You win this time fairy." he got off and cut free Eric and Cles.

I grabbed my wrist and timed my pulse.

Lonnie walked up and help me stand,"Allie I'm super sorry. He normally leaves fairies alone. I wonder why he went after you like that?"

"Me too." I said and tried to get my breathing under control.

Lonnie hugged me and grabbed Mr. Wuggles walking out furiously. I noticed Mr. Wuggles eyes were under his pinchers instead of on top.

"You sure you're okay?" Eric asked as I grabbed the foot of his bed.

I didn't hear the rest of what Eric and Cles asked me because I blacked out.

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