Chapter 28

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[Eric James' POV]

That was by far the most awkward situation I've ever been in. When we transported into the hotel room I was very close to throwing up. Cles was laughing,"Eric and Andrew sitting in a-" I tackled him and knocked the wind out of him. "Shut up. And Cles I'm not even kidding if this gets to camp I swear you'll be shoveling Pegasus crap for a month." And I got off of him and helped him up.

"Okay I got it. So you are still straight?" I groaned,"Yes! How do I freaking prove it." Allie sat on one of the beds,"Guys can you PLEASE stop this stupid argument? Look this is how you can prove it." Allie said and kissed my cheek and Cles'. "There! Now shut up!" She said a little too sassy. "Dang...why are you so sassy all of a sudden?" Cles asked.

"I'm tried of hearing you tease Eric AND Andrew and I'm tired of you trying to defend yourself when we all know you are freaking straight! Now I'm going to change and if I hear a another word about this whole night I'm going to use my fairy powers and vining your mouthes shut. Got it?" She asked and put thing ring in the sandwich bag. "Got it!" We said and held up our hands.

Allie nodded and grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom to change. "She's your mess to control whenever you two go out." Cles muttered to me. I rolled my eyes and quickly changed into my pajamas. "So...sleeping arrangements?" I asked Cles. "Hey I'm sleeping with my head and face by the door." Cles said and grabbed a pillow while pulling down the sheets and crashing that way. I grabbed my pill bottle and took out one pill.

I knocked on the door,"Allie you done yet?" I asked and back off from the door. "Yeah." I heard her said. Her voice was cracking and shaky. She walked out and sat on her bed. I took the pill and when I put away my meds,as I did that Allie was wiping away her tears.

"You okay?" I asked and sat down beside her. "Eric have you ever wanted to see someone so much then have that little voice give you negative feedback?" "Yeah. Does this have anything to do with your mom?" Allie had her hair in a high ponytail with her bangs lose and near her eyes. "Maybe. What if she changed over the years? What if-" "Look Allie,when we get there we'll find out. Okay?" Allie looked at me and something odd went on in her eyes.

A mixture of waves,and...was that love? "Alright." She said and playfully kicked me off the bed. "Goodnight Flames." "Goodnight Brainy." I said and crawled over Cles while Allie shut off the light.

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