Chapter 51

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I came to and thought about wringing Mr. Wuggles neck. Tiffany was sitting beside me rubbing my head slightly.

"What happened?" I asked.

I looked around and saw that I was laying on a small couch. Sunlight streamed in through a French glass doors.

"You blacked out because of seeing the spider. I used to do the same thing but you learn to overcome the feeling." Tiffany said handing me a water bottle.

The condensation came off and danced on my hand.

"Daughter of Poseidon. That's a first." Tiffany said in amazement.

I smiled and sat up,"Watch this." I said while opening the bottle. I made the water come to my mouth by moving a finger from the bottle.

"That's amazing. Are you feeling okay?" I nodded,"Wait you said that you overcome the feeling towards spiders. That's a fairy thing."

"I'm a fairy too. Want to see?"

"Sure." I said watching Tiffany. Once in fairy form Tiffany's long red hair stayed the same length and her blue eyes intensified.

She wore a yellow skirt and crop top the same color. She had a flat stomach and a belly button ring.

Her wings were a clear sparkly color and her ears were pointed just like every other fairy,except Centurion.

Tiffany smiled and changed back,"See. Anyways Allie when Eric and Cles dropped you off Eric seemed upset. Do you know why?"

"No. Why what's wrong with him?" I asked and started wondering about Eric.

"He said he's failed you four times."


"He said he would protect you from anything because of what happened at camp. So far you've fallen through the Earth,nearly molested,and now Mr. Wuggles attacked you and made you black out. Eric said that and he feels bad."

"I can take care of myself. Why does he care so much?"

"Because he likes you." I froze.

Eric likes me? What a sick joke,"Yeah right. No offense Mrs. James-"

"Call me Tiffany."

"Okay Tiffany. But there's no way Eric likes me. Everyone I meet rejects me and doesn't like me that way."

"Well me,Bryan,Cles,and your other friends haven't rejected you and aren't planning to. I wouldn't reject you. Eric is out in the court yard I'll show to it." Tiffany said and walked to a door and opened it.

I got up and followed her outside in their courtyard. Bryan and Eric sat on a stone bench and Eric had a red guitar. Dang is there anything he won't do to make me still fall for him. Tiffany gave me a little push and I walked slowly. I noticed Cles was out there two and the three of them started singing,"All you need it love." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Even the guards were singing. I wanted to sing along,but was afraid. So I stood and listened. Eric played the guitar,Cles banged on anything that made noise and somehow made it match to the song. Once the song ended on guard said,"Hey if Allie gets up in time she and some of us should sing 'The Lucky One.' by Taylor Swift."

They all looked at him funny,"What? It's a good song." Eric smiled,"She won't do it. She can sing amazingly but she sang for us in a fairy language."

"Well we can make her try!" Cles said and came over to me.

"Found her!" he said and gently pulled me over to everyone.

"Yay! Let's sing the song!"

"What song?" I asked pretending I didn't know what song they were talking about.

"The Lucky One by Taylor swift." they all said in union. I wanted to turn down the offer,"Sure." I said.

"Whoa hold up did you just say yes?" Eric said tuning his guitar.

"Yeah is that a problem?" I said and sat across from the guys.

"Nope. Let's sing!" The one guard said.

I smiled and waited for Eric to play. As he started I played the song in my head and then sang. When I got to,"Your secrets splashed on the news front page.",everyone came in.

We continued to sing and when it was done we clapped and cheered. "Alright you guys let's go back work." Bryan said standing and walking away after he said,"Thank you for singing". The other guards did the same and left.

Eric played a random chord and kept it going. Cles stood up and stretched,"Well imma go bug Lonnie and Mikayla. Don't wait up." he fist bumped Eric and walked inside.

"Hey Tiffany said you wanted to talk to me." I said sitting beside him.

"Did she? What about?"

"She said that you felt like you've failed to protect me. What's that all about?"

Eric looked up and looked at me,"Allie when Centurion first attacked you at camp I felt bad because,under my watch,that happened. So I promised myself that I wouldn't let anything hurt you. Well evidently I've failed at that with this quest."

I chuckled,"Eric we're demigods and mythical creatures. Even if you put us in bubbles there's no way we'll stay safe." Eric smiled, more than he has been since our first meeting.

He smiled again and went back to playing his guitar. "And she said that...that you liked me."

I can't believe that I said that out loud. I was prepared to get laughed at and rejected. "Well she's not lying. I do. Since we first meet I knew you were different. And I had a feeling that before I told I was mentally ill,the fire god,and the prince of Orethon you liked me too. The only reason I haven't told you yet was because we knew each other for almost 4 weeks and I didn't want to be a jerk and come on you a little to fast." Eric looked up and locked his eyes with mine.

My heart jumped and I felt myself blush furiously. Eric smiled and leaned in. Subconsciously I leaned in to and realized that I was about to have my first kiss. Eric kissed me. Everything felt hot and I fluttered my eyes shut. Eric kissed me again and then pulled away. I felt so excited that on the inside I was screaming my head off. My fairy side was so messed up that she just went insane.

Eric laughed,"See ya around the castle. Come on."

I scoffed,"Should I expect this every time we kiss?"

"Expect what?"

"Kiss and tell me to get up." I said standing.

"No you shouldn't. Just asking. Whoa hold up I didn't even asked if you liked me?"

I laughed,"Eric we just kissed and I didn't push you away. But if you need an answer than the answer is yes. And tell your dad I've liked you before you told my about you mental illness,being a prince and god of fire." Eric smiled and started playing on his guitar and looked over my shoulder,"Great. Looks like we had an audience." I turned around and saw Cles running up and down with a retarded grin on his face.

Bryan and Tiffany with a pleased look on theirs. Mikayla and Lonnie were jumping up and down probably saying yes while jumping. I turned around,"Should we be prepared to get hugs and stuff?"

"Oh yeah." and with that he grabbed my hand and together we walked into the castle.

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