Chapter 20

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[Allie Brooks' POV]

Running should be my best sport since I run away a lot. But it isn't. It's Cles'. He was running like a Olympic track player. Eric was also but he stayed behind with me. "So why are we running again?" I asked. "Well Aunt Monica was about to snap and explain to me something I already know and I don't know the rest 'cause Cles threw her on the couch." Eric said and stopped in front of a tree. "I...did...not. I put her down gently." Cles said and laid down in front of a different tree.

I leaned against a tree and it automatically started reacting to my touch. Kinda like me reacting to Eric touching me. "Anyways,Allie do you remember what time Carnival starts?" Cles asked. "Um,midnight I think. I'm not really sure though." "Well we can go look. After we rest." Eric said. We nodded and sat beside Cles. We were quite for a long time till we heard soft snoring. Cles had fallen asleep and near Brazilian ants.

"Cles wake up. Or a snake will get you." Eric joked. I started to hiss and Cles woke up instantly. Me and Eric bursted into laughter while Cles glared at us. "Hey we had to. Or else Brazilian fire ants would have bit you and their poison would have burned you till you where treated." I said. Cles just rolled his eyes,"What's that nickname Eric gave you? Oh right,thanks a lot Brainy!" Eric laughed,"I bet that snake won't want it's prey with poison in its system." "What snake? The one Allie made or is there a real one?"

Cles asked and stood up. I laughed,"It was me. Chill out." I said and stood. "Hahaha. You're so funny. But we all know that's me!" Cles said and yanked himself and Eric up. "Ah! What are you trying to do? Rip my arm off?" Eric said and grabbed his shoulder. "Naw...I'm just exercising out your arm!"

Cles said sarcastically. Eric rolled his eyes and looked at me,"Ready to go get the time?" "Yeah. But lets not run anymore. I'm to tired to try."


"Midnight exactly." I said and turned around proudly. "Great. And it's...uh anybody got a watch?" Eric asked. I shook my head no and Cles just want paying attention. "Um excuse me sir? Do you have the time?" I asked in Portuguese. "Yes. It's 10:36." He replied back. "Uh what he said?"

Cles said just now paying attention to us. "He said it is 10:36. So we exactly have fifteen hours till Carnival." I said. "Thanks for the information Braniy." Cles and Eric in union. "Well what do we now? I mean that's a lot of hours to kill from now till then." Eric asked me. "Who what's to go the beach?"

I asked. The guys nodded and we headed to the beach.

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