Chapter 46

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[Eric James' POV]

Now back on Maximus we started to head to Chilé. "How in the gods names are we gonna find Zeus? And which city I mean come on there's a ton of places he could be!" Cles said holding tight to Maximus reigns. "Well I guess we could Iris message him when we get there." Allie said leaning back on my chest.

I was glad she couldn't see me blush because this would be the second time. I couldn't understand how one girl that I've only meet nearly four weeks ago,could make me fall head over heels for. A lot of girls tried what Allie's doing and failed,but Allie (I guess) gets the hint when to stop and when it's okay to flirt.

Gods I needed to talk to Bolt about this. My bow string had Allie's hair all around and on it. I was glad Cles couldn't see back here. I looked up from Allie and noticed something up ahead. Vaulters where flying around and in a circle almost. I changed my eyes and saw that they were actually flying...chickens? "Uh guys? Chickens can't fly can they?" I asked just to make sure.

"No they can't fly. Why?" Allie asked leaning her head back. "Max stop!" I yelled. Max came to a screeching halt,"What!" I looked closed and saw that they were indeed chickens. But they didn't look like chickens. More like the head of a chicken, body of a man, and arms and legs like a chicken. I couldn't see their eyes but I had a feeling that they looked like a mixture of human and chicken.

"Are you looking at the chicken men?" Cles asked. I was glad someone else could see them. "Yeah. We can't turn back either. And going around is out of the question." "Is it me or are the chicken guys getting closer?" Allie said as she sat up. I looked again. Oh yeah they moved. I gulped,"They can smell from thousands of feet away." I said grabbing the hilt of my sword. Cles must've had the same idea because I saw him grab his hilt of his sword. Allie did the same.

"Want to risk it?" Maximus asked us and I felt his muscles tense. Usually because he was ready. "Yeah. Watch out for the sharp nails." I said as I unsheathed my sword.


"I'm never messing with chickens again!" I proclaimed as we sat down still picking out chicken feathers from thirty minutes ago. "Well on the bright side we have a new fashion look that mortal would go crazy for." Allie said with chicken feathers everywhere in her hair where it almost made a crown on her head.

Cles scoffed,"Well they aren't snapping a picture of me." He said pulling out multiple feathers at once. I pulled one out of my hair and looked at it. It looked and felt like a chickens feather...but it was way too long. It was a blue purple color, jagged edges that were oozing a sickly green color with a sickening odor.

I knew where I had seen it and what it was. "Yo! Earth to Eric James!" Cles yelled. I looked up,"What? I'm think where I've seen this feather." Cles and Allie now had more feathers in their hair than before.

"Shit! Guys these feathers multiply where ever they land till where ever the feathers are at make it impossible to get rid of!" I yelled throwing feathers. The others did too,"Why do they do this?" Cles asked pulling and pulling feathers. "They are mostly in Orethon and don't come this far. They do that to kill small prey like birds,lizards,and horses." I said lighting some on fire to make it stop spreading.

"Excuse me? How are horses small!" Maximus yelled at me. "Ponies okay? Stop freaking out." I said. Allie scrunched her brow,"Chickens can't fly,nor can they carry large things. How are they able to do that? Plus they have beaks that peck,not ones that are strong enough to tear flesh." Allie said changing forms and using that shell thing to make the feathers go away.

"You obviously haven't seen or done research about Orethon." I said standing. Allie rolled her eyes and continued to play the beautiful melody. Cles went to the little creek and stuck his head in. When he came back up all the feathers were gone but his hair was a mess.

Where our feathers had landed now had multiplied to a lot in a pile in less than five minutes. "So Orethon is full of these things?" Cles asked shaking his hair. "Not exactly full of them. Just in the forest part that's out side of the kingdom." I said get up and watching my step. "Well back on course or Chilé." Maximus said letting us get back on in the same order.

"This is your Pegasus speaking just to remind you keep your arms and legs on or around the horse at all times. Thank you for choosing air Max." Maximus said before taking of.


Finally we made it to Chilé. It was dark and the streets were lit with a few plus us people walking the side walk. "There's no safe place to iris message." I said noticing the art painted on the walls. I didn't even know what city we were even in. I just told Max to stop and rest here.

"Uh hey Eric. Is that who I think it is?" Cles said pointing to two figures standing in the shadows. I looked his way and saw two familiar faces. I only saw then when they continued to walk towards us. One girl had short blonde hair,hazel green eyes just like mine,looked around 11? 12? And was a bit shorter than the other girl walking beside her.

The other girl had long dark brown hair similar to mine. Hazel green eyes,she also looked around 11 and 12. I guessed I was a bit taller than her and she looked just like Mikayla and Lonnie.

Then my heart dropped,my stomach turned into knots, and I felt my eyes widen. The two girls were wearing Camp Amoren t-shirts and had the charm bracelet with a couple charms. The reason they looked familiar was because they were indeed Mikayla and two dead sisters.


Finally done with this chapter! So what do you all think? Don't forget to


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Love Demigod416

Eric is finally meeting his "dead" sisters! How do you guys think this will end? Sry if my updates haven't been in awhile school gets in the way of everything. Anyways enjoy this chapter and more is to come!

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