Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

[Eric James' POV]

Meeting Allie was good. Every thing was good till her biggest secret was revealed and I drew it. She handed me my drawing. Her color had drained and she was still shaking.

"What do we do about him speaking in my mind?" She asked looking at me. "For now let's forget it now and we'll figure it out later. For your safety Allie." She nodded. I asked Alex and Cles to leave so I could talk to Allie in privet. "On a totally different subject,I have your schedule printed out and your bracelet is ready." "So girls get bracelets and boys get those chain things?"

"Your a quick learner miss Brooks." I said looking her out the corner of my eye. She gave me a small smile. Allie was a real pretty girl. Her long wavy blonde hair fell to her collar bone. Her pale green eyes had small waves lapping in them like every other Poseidon child. Gods she was beautiful.

"Like what you see?" She asked with a playful tone in her voice. 'Yes I do.' I thought. Instead I laughed,"Touché" I said. She smiled and walked toward the other pictures I had drawn.

I grabbed her schedule and bracelet and made my way toward her. She had her hands in her pockets. She looked at the one picture that had the most meaning to me. It was a picture of my mom,dad,and me. One big happy family before my mothers death. "Your mom is beautiful." Allie said. My mom wasn't one to get angry. And if she did,run. She has long brown hair and green eyes. It the picture,she was wearing a beautiful green dress with her crown."And your dads really handsome. How old were you in this?" "Four." My dad was thinner than he is now,in the picture my dad is wearing his kingly uniform and crown. At the time i wasn't wearing my crown,and i hadn't drawn my sisters in. (I'll explain them later.)

She nodded. Her eyes drifted to another drawing of me,Alex,and Cles being foolish. "Wow. You three are like the 'Three Musket-" "Yeah we get that a lot." She turned and faced me. And for a few seconds we stared into each others eyes. She looked away,"What's the schedule?" "Oh it's the places you have to be for credit for camp." "So kinda like a school?" "No. It's just a thing were you go to these buildings and areas." I handed her the paper and she scanned it. I grabbed her wrist and put on the bracelet. Her fairy side was going insane again every time I touched her.

"You earn charms for being good at something." She nodded and froze. "What's wrong?" She didn't answer. Instead a dark voice answered,"Im taking over her. You can't change that. I've been doing it for 12 years. You can't get to her mind." She looked up and her eyes were as black as the dark knight. "Get out of her." "Why? Is it because you don't want her if I'm still in her?" "No. I'm not shallow." "I believe you meant 'I'm not that shallow'. Allie pick me or him." He left and Allies eyes went back to normal.

"What does he mean pick between you or him?" I shrugged,"Lets just explore the camp." We did that and nothing weird happened. Until this girl that is madly in love with me walked up. Her name is Alice Tester and she is the daughter of Aphrodite. Her strawberry hair was curled and she had tons of make up on and a skirt with her camp Amoren shirt tucked in with a belt. "Hi Allie. I'm Alice." Allie said hi and fell silent.

Alice turned toward me,"So boyfriend,when are going out again?" I rolled my eyes,"Alice I'm not your boyfriend and we're never going out." She grabbed my hands,"Your just playing hard to get." I moved my hands,"Um no,no I'm not. Just continue whatever you were doing." She pouted then kissed my lips and walked of.

I wiped the kiss off. "Are you embarrassed of your girlfriend?" Allie asked. I looked at her,"She's not me girlfriend. Didn't you hear Bolt? I don't have a girlfriend." The girls around us said in union,"Do you want one?" I groaned and walked away with Allie right behind me. Campers were either flying in their true forms or on the Gryphons,Dragons,and Pegasus. She paused,"So where are we going?" "Well it's around lunch so I'm directing you to the cafeteria." "Okay." She looked at the bracelet I gave her. It was a plain regular bracelet that had the Poseidon symbol.

My chains hung from my shirt and had a couple of charms along with the Apollo symbol hanging from the middle chain. I looked over to Allie who was playing with a piece of her hair. Gods of Olympus she was cute. I looked away before she could see me staring at her. Cles and Alex walked toward me and Allie. "What up bro and sis?" Alex said. Allie ignored his comment. Probably still on the foster care thing. "Not much." I said. Allie looked liked she wanted to be around the girls.

"Hey you guys know where the girls might be?" They shrugged,"Depends on which girls you're talking about." Cles said leaning against a tree. "Cassie and Dacara." They both seemed to light up my their names. "We're right here. What's wrong?" Cassie asked. "Nothing. Just wanted to give you back Allie." I said as Allie walked over to them. She looked over to them and their faces darkened.

"What did you to her?" Cassie said while pulling Allie closer. "Nothing." We walked over to face Allie who was gravely drained of color. "He's doing it. He does it every once in awhile. I'll be fine." Her voice was horse and cracking. "No you're not. You need to lay down or something. And who is she talking about?" Dacara said.

We ignored her and lead Allie to their cabin and she stopped dead in her tracks in the cabin. She blinked twice then passed out on the floor.

Immortal Creatures and Demigodsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें