Chapter 23

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Finally it was midnight and we made way to the float. The guy that had got Allie on edge was with three other guys. He looked at her with a lustful look. "Her." He said in perfect English.

The other guys smiled and nodded. I told Cles what Allie had told me and he reacted the same way I had. Allie grabbed my arm and got a little closer to me. "Don't worry Brainy. We got your back." I said after we passed by the creeps.

Cles got on the other side of Allie and hooked into her arm. I did the same and we walked to our float.

Carnival began and my heart was pounding. All of my campers would see us like this and that was one thing I didn't want. But hey, what am I supposed to do? The ring wasn't even on the float! I groaned,"Hey guys. The ring isn't even on here."

"What?!" They sighed and tilled their heads. Once the noise and light hit us we danced like crazy. Of course the crowd was cheering for all the floats,but for an odd reason, ours was way louder than the others. We smiled and danced and I nearly threw up. I didn't like getting a lot of attention.

I was already famous in another magic city. (I'll explain later.) Well after the parade we went back to the dressing room to find the four guys standing in the room basically waiting for Allie. Allie froze,"Hey beautiful." One of the guys said. Me and Cles stood in front of her. "Oh bodyguards huh? Please,Johnny!" The creepy guy that talked to Allie first snapped and another guy walked toward us.

"Back off Pedro bear!" Cles yelled and somehow grabbed my sword and his spear. "Oh I'm so scared of sticks!" Johnny said and grabbed our shoulder and pulled us away. "Hey!" I yelled and judo flipped him. Allie ran to her backpack and was grabbed by a different guy. He was sickly pale and skinny.

But a strong enough grip to put Allie to her knees. Me and Cles ran toward her, but Johnny and another guy grabbed us and pinned us down. "Gang bang or just you Luke?" The sickly pale guy asked. "Alone. Come with me sweetie." He said and pulled Allie to her feet. We got the guys off us and used our weapons.

I got Luke FAR away from Allie and sword butted him with the bottom of my sword on his head. "Take that creep!" I yelled and threw him into a vanity. Cles had the other guys begging for mercy and once he let them go they ran out the room dragging Luke out with them. We caught our breath and went towards Allie. Allie was ghost white,she was shaking a little and was rubbing her wrist. "Luke didn't touch you in anyway right?" I asked. Allie gulped,"Yeah I'm fine he didn't touch me. But hey, I got the ring." She said and held up the invisibly ring.

"Whoa. Way to go Brooks!" Cles said and helped her up. "How'd you get it?" I asked amazed and a little confused. "When you pulled him away I managed to grab his hand and pull it off. " Allie said and stood up. "Come on guys lets change and get the heck out of here. Right now Rio is my least favorite place." She said. We grabbed our bags and changed into our camp Amoren clothes.

When we were done we came out to the little living room and sat down. "Feels good to get out of those heels." Allie said and pulled out the map. "So Melbourne right?" Cles asked and leaned forward towards the map. "Right. Question is how do we get there?" Allie asked. "Do you guys prefer flying? Or sailing? Those are our only options." I said.

"Flying would be faster,but dangerous because none of us are Zeus's kid." Cles said. "Sailing would be a little slow,but since I'm Poseidon's daughter I could make it go faster. You guys just don't fool around on the boat." Allie said. "Us? Fool around? Gosh Allie would we do that?" I said. Cles chuckled. Allie smirked,"Uh yeah knowing you two for three days." "Hurtful. But I respect your honesty." Cles said. Allie smiled,"Okay whatever. Hey anyone got a bag? I want to put the rings in there so we don't lose them." We looked around till I found a bag in a vanity drawer with a ton of jewelry.

"I found one. But what do I do with this jewelry?" I asked. They walked over to me and looked at the jewelry. "I've seen this jewelry." Allie said and picked up a necklace. A piece of paper was in the string. It read:"To Johnny. From Miranda with love." Allie started to tremble.

"So it is true. Your mom was here recently." Cles said. Allie broke the necklace and snatched her bag. "Just dump the rest of the jewelry. Matter of fact burn it I don't care!" Allie was beyond serious. Me and Cles looked at each other and sighed. I dumped the jewelry out and Allie threw the ring at us to put into the small sandwich bag.

"Dang girl chill. She probably left it to a different John-" "Or she gave him what he wanted,left it and now is doing the same thing in another country with another guy. Anymore stupid remarks?!" Allie snapped at Cles. Cles glared at her and muttered,"Sorry. Can't help that your moms a whore." Allie tackled Cles and pressed her dagger on his neck. I pulled her off but she just jerk away from me and stormed off grabbing her bag.

"Dude why would you say that?" I asked and grabbed my stuff and walked outside. Allie was sitting with her hands grabbing the sides of her hair and holding them back. She looked like she was in her own little world. Probably telling herself that what her mom does isn't real. "Hey chick." Cles said uncomfortably.

Allie glanced at him and muttered some vulgar words about Cles in French. "Is she talking in French about me? If so that sucks I want to know." Cles said and sat far away from her. I sat beside her and she put her head on my shoulder. In French she said,"I really hate Cles right now." "Please don't. He means well,but he just doesn't get when to shut up." "Is that every day?" "No...I don't want my two best friends fighting everyday. Look if he says something that insults you or our mom tell me so I can handle it. Okay?" Allie sighed and in English said,"Fine. Whatever you say."

"What did you guys say? I don't like it when you guys talk in another language." Cles said and scooted closer to me. "Nothing important." I said just as Allie lifted her head off my shoulder. "Look Allie,I'm...sorry for saying the truth about your mom. And I'm sorry you refuse to accept that." Cles said. I punched him in the arm,"When will you shut up? Look would you like it if some one talked about your mom? Think about it moron." I said.

Cles finally decided to shut up. We walked to a port and Allie managed to buy a small boat with her mothers 10 carat diamond bracelet. It was a nice little boat with enough room for all of us to stay in. "Well if we go now and judging how fast I make it go we should make it to Cape Cod,South Africa by...7:30, 8:00 Wednesday or Thursday putting us two or three days behind." Allie said. We just nodded and made a system that Allie would drive the boat for 250 miles then we switched off to me then Cles. And off we went out of Rio de Janeiro.

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