Chapter 42

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[Cles Masons' POV]

Eric fell to the floor with his eyes still white. I was shocked because Eric never talked like that to a female. This was a first and probably his last time also. Suddenly Eric disappeared from the floor. "What! Where'd he-" I started but the kitchen and the others were gone. Me,Allie,and Eric stood in a padded room.

"Are we in his vision?" Allie asked looking around. "Yeah. Just watch." Eric said sitting down. We watched Eric lose his ever living mind. Screaming,telling people to come back. In his eyes I guess he saw what we didn't. "Please Eric! Find me! I live in Las Vegas,Nevada!" I heard a voice say.

Eric was asking where she lived. "How does he not heard her?" I asked Allie. She shrugged,"But why can we hear it?" Another voice came in the room causing Eric to grab his ears. More muffled voice came in. Eric really did look insane. A straight jacket was put on him. He didn't seem to care. "Dude fight back!" I yelled.

Eric didn't hear me. I guess my voice was mixed in with the others. Then,one familiar voice broke all the others,"Eric James...this is were you belong. Away from society,away from people that actually gave a damn about you,the ones you love are history!" "Shut up! I don't belong here and I can take care of it!" Eric finally yelled back. I started to feel like I was disappearing,I looked at Allie who had the same feeling as I did.

Eric looked at us as we started to vaporize into nothing. "Stop! Leave them alone!" "I told you...people who care about you are history! And so are you!" And my spear went right through Eric causing him to fall and ending the vision.

Once we were out of the vision I started to feel Eric's pain. Everything that happened in his mind felt like it was in mine. Poor guy and he had to deal with this since he was four. Eric swallowed hard. He wasn't looking at anyone. Just the floor. Allie scrunched her brow,"Where's mom and Amanda?" I looked around.

I didn't see them. Just heard this,"Amanda I don't want you hanging around Eric. He's not right. He has schizophrenia so he's crazy. A freak. Do you understand me?" "Yes ma'am." Eric bolted up. His fist were clenched,"I am not crazy or a freak!" he growled slowly and only loud enough for us to hear. "Eric calm down. I think I know a way to get the ring and get out of here." Allie said soothingly.

Eric exhaled sharply,"Fine. How exactly how are we going to find the right one?" "Well since Allie is part fairy,she could use them and find the difference in all the rings we look at." I said proudly. "Exactly." Allie said shocked. Eric nodded and we grabbed our stuff. "Where are you going?" Miranda asked like we were kidnapping Allie.

"We finishing our quest. Nice too meet mom. Come visit me at the girls home." Allie said putting on her jacket. "So you're leaving us for those freaks. Sorry Cles and the freak." Amanda said. I grabbed Eric's arm and pulled him back. "I am not a freak got that!" Eric spat.

"Don't talk to my daughters like that Eric!" Miranda said pulling Amanda toward her. "Then don't call me something I'm not! You should know about that Miranda!" Eric spat again. "Well we gotta go bye!" I said dragging Eric outside.

It stopped snowing and hailing,but it was still cold enough to put on our jackets. Ours were on and Eric slammed his body against the brick wall and slid down it. His fist were jammed in his eyes.

He wasn't crying,just trying to blow off some steam without blowing up in someone's face. When he was done he stood up and exhaled shakily,"Can we leave Greenland altogether?" Eric asked. "Not really flames. Come on before Amanda comes out and kills us all." Allie said.

We walked to the nearest jewelry shop,Mr. Margo's. "Ah back again I see! Came to break another one of my mannequins?" Mr. Margo asked. "No sir. Just looking for jewelry." I said. "Well you came to the right place! Follow me!" Mr. Margo said,a little too excited. We got to the back of the store with the jewelry in three different cases.

A young boy was behind the counter. He couldn't be more than 9? 10? "Michael what are you doing back here?" Mr. Margo asked going behind the counter. "Calm down pops. I was running to counter that never gets business." Michael had blue eyes,blonde hair,braces,and a red beanie cap the was on the back of his head.

"Everyone this is my son Michael." Michael waved,"How old are you three?" "13." "13." "12." we said in union. "Dang. I was looking for a girlfriend. You could be it if you were four years older." Michael said winking at Allie.

Allie rolled her eyes,"Please I don't date douches." Michael stopped and looked at the cases of jewelry,"What are you three looking for?" "A diamond ring." Eric said. "You're too young to get married." Michael said looking up.

B"It's for her mom. She sent us to get it. We just have to look at them." I said. Michael lead us to the diamonds and sat behind the counter. "We can't do it with him watching." Allie muttered to us.

"Don't worry I got this." I said,"Hey Michael since in 13 and you're 16 I bet I'm stronger than you." Michael now looked interested,"No way pipe size." "Come on then. Lets go lifting!" I said flexing,"Lets go to the storage room. See you two in a few minutes." Michael said while me and him walked back to the storage room.

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